Commie Ghost
I've never played the classics, and obviously reading about them and watching Let's Plays is not a perfect substitute. Some aspects of the first two games are still a bit of a mystery to me. So I wanted to get some clarification on them.
Deathclaws vs Wanamingos: I guess this one is kind of silly, but it came to me after I started writing this so how do they stack up? Are deathclaws still the most dangerous "wildlife" around? Maybe I'm just too used to being able to search 'X vs Y' to find out. Was hard enough just to find a decent let's plays to watch.
EMP effects on power armor and robots were that already that nonsensical partial damage thing right? I mean in reality it would either do nothing (shielding), or it would just junk it completely and most likely permanently.
Gauss rifles: I didn't see them used much but IIRC, they're actually described as being coilguns which is kind of funny to me. Should I assume they can fire repeatedly without a lengthy reload, as seen in 3, NV, and 4? Is that why I sometimes see people saying they wish Bethesda would bring back the classic version?
Ghouls: so they were less agile than normals? What about toughness? It seemed that there was a bit of give and take on that part, with the whole 'not dying from what would kill a normal, and having weird regenerative attributes' part. Were they all supposed to be green, or is it just some odd coincidence that all the ones with 'floating head' models were greener than the super mutants?
Irrigation but no sewage system?
Power Fist: is this as nonsensical as it sounds? Some kind of servomotor based, powerarmor-esque, strength enhancing, metal gauntlet without no pneumatics? I love the way it looks. Makes the Bethesda power fists, which admittedly make more sense and are tonnes of fun whereas being unarmed in Fo1 and 2 just looks masochistic until level 24, look boring af by comparison. On a side note does it drive anyone else nuts that we still don't have anyone wearing two? I mean, I have two fists don't I? Why didn't anyone think 'hey boxing, that's a thing'?
Robot lasers and nuclear power...
Timber: are there just absolutely no living trees anywhere in California? Should I just assume that the Sequoia National Park (due east of Vault 13 and Arroyo) is just a pitch black, giant tree graveyard? Are the higher altitude forests where it's cooler and precipitation is higher just as barren? I guess that'd explain the utter lack of bows, but really, using half of a stripped down car for a cart? It would be easier just to build a hearth, melt that shit down and reforge it into something shaped right, without all the extra material weighing it down. Or are hearths (e.g forges, kilns) just verboten? Can't remember seeing any, but that seems like one of the first things any settlement would build. Even randos living in the middle of nowhere...
Unrelated build questions while I'm at it:
Did anyone make a stealth build that works this well, or is that just a specific scenario where it works?
% based skill values go to 200% and 300% respectively. Didn't see a formula on gamepedia or the broken wikia for combat skills, but I assume it falls under the law of diminishing returns. Or is that taken care of by the increased sp requirement? Either way, I'm sort of curious what the approximate difference is between 100%, 200%, and 300% as far as damage or whatever else it affects goes. Also lol wtf, max level 99?
Deathclaws vs Wanamingos: I guess this one is kind of silly, but it came to me after I started writing this so how do they stack up? Are deathclaws still the most dangerous "wildlife" around? Maybe I'm just too used to being able to search 'X vs Y' to find out. Was hard enough just to find a decent let's plays to watch.
EMP effects on power armor and robots were that already that nonsensical partial damage thing right? I mean in reality it would either do nothing (shielding), or it would just junk it completely and most likely permanently.
Gauss rifles: I didn't see them used much but IIRC, they're actually described as being coilguns which is kind of funny to me. Should I assume they can fire repeatedly without a lengthy reload, as seen in 3, NV, and 4? Is that why I sometimes see people saying they wish Bethesda would bring back the classic version?
Ghouls: so they were less agile than normals? What about toughness? It seemed that there was a bit of give and take on that part, with the whole 'not dying from what would kill a normal, and having weird regenerative attributes' part. Were they all supposed to be green, or is it just some odd coincidence that all the ones with 'floating head' models were greener than the super mutants?
Irrigation but no sewage system?
Power Fist: is this as nonsensical as it sounds? Some kind of servomotor based, powerarmor-esque, strength enhancing, metal gauntlet without no pneumatics? I love the way it looks. Makes the Bethesda power fists, which admittedly make more sense and are tonnes of fun whereas being unarmed in Fo1 and 2 just looks masochistic until level 24, look boring af by comparison. On a side note does it drive anyone else nuts that we still don't have anyone wearing two? I mean, I have two fists don't I? Why didn't anyone think 'hey boxing, that's a thing'?
Robot lasers and nuclear power...
- Robots use nuclear power to indefinitely produce lasers and they're just as powerful. Size limits allow robots to do what handheld energy weapons could not. However given the possibility of a backpack power source, given that much of the robots weight has to be--y'know the robotics the power source supplies...it doesn't really make sense that standalone laser weapons need ammo.
- Robots use nuclear power to indefinitely produce lasers and their lasers suck. Like the whatever 'MF Hyperbreeder' thing from NV makes.
- Robots deplete ammo, can run out, and require external sources to restock.
Timber: are there just absolutely no living trees anywhere in California? Should I just assume that the Sequoia National Park (due east of Vault 13 and Arroyo) is just a pitch black, giant tree graveyard? Are the higher altitude forests where it's cooler and precipitation is higher just as barren? I guess that'd explain the utter lack of bows, but really, using half of a stripped down car for a cart? It would be easier just to build a hearth, melt that shit down and reforge it into something shaped right, without all the extra material weighing it down. Or are hearths (e.g forges, kilns) just verboten? Can't remember seeing any, but that seems like one of the first things any settlement would build. Even randos living in the middle of nowhere...
Unrelated build questions while I'm at it:
Did anyone make a stealth build that works this well, or is that just a specific scenario where it works?
% based skill values go to 200% and 300% respectively. Didn't see a formula on gamepedia or the broken wikia for combat skills, but I assume it falls under the law of diminishing returns. Or is that taken care of by the increased sp requirement? Either way, I'm sort of curious what the approximate difference is between 100%, 200%, and 300% as far as damage or whatever else it affects goes. Also lol wtf, max level 99?