there's a way out
Hello everybody,
this afternoon i had to find a way to solve di Rad-x problem ( i have saved all the slots in Glow

follow this steps to survive radiations:
first of all you need this two programs:
- charatcter trainer (FALCHE)
- item changer (falled109)
when you are approaching the world map outside glow:
- louch falled109, transform a stim-pack to 100 RadAway. Use all the radway(less 1) and loop this operation until the Gaiger shows 0rad. ( or use at least 300radaways)
- use about 10 rad-x (until they do no more effetcs). (they can be created with Falled109)
- save&close the match
- open with Falche the save.dat file of the match and:
--change all the stats to 10 (if you want you can draw down the originals one)
-- add perks Rad resistance (I used level works)
- lounch the match & verify that all the stats are set to 10.
- use othe rad-away
- full your healt
- try to traver someware on the map closest to you positions: your stat will decrease a lot.
if you survive make another trip but loger: you will be interrupted a lot of time during the yourney, will appear some notes that say that you are hill and so on..after some day-travel everything should be fine (your stats come back to 10)...
- save and if you want restore the original state with Falche. I have manteined the level20 perk for the rad-resistance for any kind of problem^^