CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

Hey folks,
I was thinking about Fallout morality because I have no life and it occurred to me there's an interesting question in the game which is worth pondering. Basically, it's a question of Order vs. Chaos as the greater evil and whether a wicked order is worse than a complete anarchy. I generally play Wasteland messiah types and I'm trying to think about which is better for the setting as a whole in dealing with Caesar's Legion.
On my end, I usually never hesitate to kill Caesar and then eliminate Legate Lanius because I believe the destruction of the Legion should be accelerated as quickly as possible. Mister House says that the Legion will disintegrate without Caesar and virtually everyone agrees with him in one manner or another. The Legion practices slavery, oppresses women, and is also as ridiculous as the Brotherhood of Steel (*hock spit*) in that it venerates a Rome which never existed and is Luddite in nature.
HOWEVER, there's the fact that Raul mentions that the East was EVEN WORSE before the arrival of the Legion. Say what you will about the Son of Mars but at least he was enforcing a status quo. Unfortunately, it's an EVIL status quo. One which also obliterates local identities, cultures, and enforces a pointless militarism where everyone is a servant of the state. If Caesar is not eliminated, then the Legion may continue on to attack again or conquer other lands.
Then again, Caesar is kind of doomed anyway since he's a figure suffering a brain tumor and it might be a good thing to eliminate him now rather than let him degenerate even further due to its influence. Certainly, Lanius is in a position to assume direct power that way as he's second in command of the military and his only (apparent) rival is Vulpes Inculta. To have Caesar continue to rule, you'd have to save his life and that's going the extra mile for a psychopathic dictator.
Lanius, by contrast to Caesar, is a violent murderous savage who wants nothing more than to conquer and sack the region rather than incorporate it into their Empire ala Caesar. His ending is the darkest of them all. However, there's the simple fact Lanius seems to be a more honorable figure than Caesar himself and has some understanding of Barter/Logistics. Putting him in charge of the Legion and sparing him might result in a more barbarian society out East but not necessarily a worse one. Certainly, he'll have less interest in obliterating local identities and societies.
So, what is the right decision?
I was thinking about Fallout morality because I have no life and it occurred to me there's an interesting question in the game which is worth pondering. Basically, it's a question of Order vs. Chaos as the greater evil and whether a wicked order is worse than a complete anarchy. I generally play Wasteland messiah types and I'm trying to think about which is better for the setting as a whole in dealing with Caesar's Legion.
On my end, I usually never hesitate to kill Caesar and then eliminate Legate Lanius because I believe the destruction of the Legion should be accelerated as quickly as possible. Mister House says that the Legion will disintegrate without Caesar and virtually everyone agrees with him in one manner or another. The Legion practices slavery, oppresses women, and is also as ridiculous as the Brotherhood of Steel (*hock spit*) in that it venerates a Rome which never existed and is Luddite in nature.
HOWEVER, there's the fact that Raul mentions that the East was EVEN WORSE before the arrival of the Legion. Say what you will about the Son of Mars but at least he was enforcing a status quo. Unfortunately, it's an EVIL status quo. One which also obliterates local identities, cultures, and enforces a pointless militarism where everyone is a servant of the state. If Caesar is not eliminated, then the Legion may continue on to attack again or conquer other lands.
Then again, Caesar is kind of doomed anyway since he's a figure suffering a brain tumor and it might be a good thing to eliminate him now rather than let him degenerate even further due to its influence. Certainly, Lanius is in a position to assume direct power that way as he's second in command of the military and his only (apparent) rival is Vulpes Inculta. To have Caesar continue to rule, you'd have to save his life and that's going the extra mile for a psychopathic dictator.
Lanius, by contrast to Caesar, is a violent murderous savage who wants nothing more than to conquer and sack the region rather than incorporate it into their Empire ala Caesar. His ending is the darkest of them all. However, there's the simple fact Lanius seems to be a more honorable figure than Caesar himself and has some understanding of Barter/Logistics. Putting him in charge of the Legion and sparing him might result in a more barbarian society out East but not necessarily a worse one. Certainly, he'll have less interest in obliterating local identities and societies.
So, what is the right decision?