How Much Ammo Should You Carry?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I tend to carry as much ammo as my carry weight will allow. When I last beat Fallout 1, I had a small guns character with fast shot and gifted who took both ranks of Bonus Ranged Damage. My weapons were the .223 Pistol and the Assault Rifle. At the game's end, I must have had about less than 4000 rounds of 5mm ammo left together with hundreds of .223 FMJ rounds.

When I last beat fallout 2, I was playing a small guns character with fast shot and gifted, taking both ranks of the bonus ranged damage perk. I had over a thousand rounds of 2mm EC for my Gauss Pistol and less than 800 rounds of 4.7 mm caseless for my H&K G11E.

I understand that this takes a lot of weight from what I can carry. Am I carrying too much? How much ammo should I carry for all my weapons? How much do you carry?
Take as much as you need. I mean, what else do you need to carry? Ammo, weapons, certain quest items, and stimpaks/drugs. I usually end up with several hundred rounds for single-shot weapons (mostly microfusion cells), and when I do use burst weapons I'd obviously have even more.
This is now his 47th (or so) thread, btw. I don't think I opened up that many threads in the seven years I've been active here...
Prediction for next threads: "How many stimpaks do you carry?", "Stimpaks or Superstims?", "What combat drugs to use?", "How do you organize your inventory?", "Always run or not?", "Could I BE any more insecure over the most minor gameplay aspects?"
This is now his 47th (or so) thread, btw. I don't think I opened up that many threads in the seven years I've been active here...
Prediction for next threads: "How many stimpaks do you carry?", "Stimpaks or Superstims?", "What combat drugs to use?", "How do you organize your inventory?", "Always run or not?", "Could I BE any more insecure over the most minor gameplay aspects?"

"Should I use the 10mm pistol or the pipe rifle?"

"Should I bring a plasma rifle to the boxing match?"

"How many holy hand grenades should I carry to Frank Horrigan?"
Take as much as you need. I mean, what else do you need to carry? Ammo, weapons, certain quest items, and stimpaks/drugs. I usually end up with several hundred rounds for single-shot weapons (mostly microfusion cells), and when I do use burst weapons I'd obviously have even more.

Shit's even more hilarious when you're going Unarmed with the Power Fist/Mega Power Fist. that moment when you take a look and notice you have enough Small Energy Cells to melt a continent down.
"Should I use the 10mm pistol or the pipe rifle?"

"Should I bring a plasma rifle to the boxing match?"

"How many holy hand grenades should I carry to Frank Horrigan?"
"Installing Fallout, yes or no", "What is the best file directory for Fallout to install into?", "Should I start a new game?", "Is it savescumming to save the game every once in a while?"
"Installing Fallout, yes or no", "What is the best file directory for Fallout to install into?", "Should I start a new game?", "Is it savescumming to save the game every once in a while?"

"Can I join the enclave?"

"Can I become a deathclaw?"

"When do I get the settlement building perk?"
It's a bit more specific and part of the fun to figure out yourself, planning it in real time and by completely your own. Part of the fun, and stuff. Anyway, the way I do it myself is making a bit of an assumption relative to the magazine size/efectiveness, expected use and misuse, etcetera.

It's kind of a no brainer, though; how much garbage must you carry for ammo to need to go away? Last time I played I went like with 4 STR and 4 END and I could carry all I needed as long as I carried what I actually used.

The HK's ammo is super rare so carry all you can anyway, heh,