Fallout 2 mod Sleeved Combat Jacket Issues


FEV is the equivalent of a chest x-ray.
So I downloaded the Combat Jacket mod found here (http://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/combat-leather-jacket-animations.202258/) but I'm having two issues.

  • The running animations default to the one sleeved animations.
  • All critters that use the Leather Jacket sprite appear with two sleeves.

Is the second "issue" something that can't be avoided? And why does it default to one sleeve when running? The thread shows that it supports running animations. I had to delete "hmmaxxat.frm" in the critter folder because the mod comes with a file by this name. Is that the problem?
Why it's doing that is overwrote the original FRM with the new artwork, and anything that has that artwork will look like that. The reason it shows the original jacket when running is most likely they never made new artwork for the jacket when the character is running. There are many FRM files for the various movements of the character.
So it's basically a broken mod. Welp, thanks for setting me straight.
Why it's doing that is overwrote the original FRM with the new artwork, and anything that has that artwork will look like that. The reason it shows the original jacket when running is most likely they never made new artwork for the jacket when the character is running. There are many FRM files for the various movements of the character.

Actually, the animations are complete, as seen in the linked thread.
I'm seeing it more as a modders resource, though, and not as a "plug and play mod", which would then result in the above mentioned issues.

It would be cool to have this thing with bald head dude as well... and then the female... and then green hair girl... :> Making these animations by hand is just so crazy uneconomical.
@Lexx is correct, it was resource for modders.

I could do some polishing since some of those animations look pretty awful, possibly make it into "plug and play" mod if there would be demand for it.
Maybe even finish bald head dude.
@Lexx is correct, it was resource for modders.

I could do some polishing since some of those animations look pretty awful, possibly make it into "plug and play" mod if there would be demand for it.
Maybe even finish bald head dude.

Hello! I's been some time since this discussion has been active, but I'm hoping for the best. I really want to try out the Combat Leather Jacket sprite, but how exactly do I add it into the game? I have Killap's RP installed.
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