Just Watched the Bethesda Conference: How You Guys Thinking of Killing Yourselves?

I'll buy 4 Collector's Editions for me and my friends, build huge fucking settlement and ask them to drop a nuke on me. Then I'll record why the game is so bad on 13 tapes, send to Bethesda and finally take a long bath in sulphuric acid.
I watched it now... I wonder why people kept clapping each time Todd would say stupid features like "It's always online" *clap-clap-clap* *whistle* *clap-clap*.

It just makes me feel like someone paid people in the audience to clap and whistle whenever a stupid feature would be announced, so it would seem like people actually want it.
It was nothing I wanted out of a Fallout game. However, the idea on it's own merit seems like it'd be tremendously fun for a game of that style. I feel like if Fallout 4 was just skipped and we got this, that would have been pretty cool. I don't care for it being Fallout but I do think I'll end up getting it to play with my friends and girlfriend and having a blast goofing off.

In a way, I'm happier that it's this rather than an attempt to be a singleplayer RPG in the vein of Fallout 4's style.
It's all fun and games until a random troll starts stalking you and nuking your base you spent so many hours scavenging for materials to be able to spend so many hours building. Then since your base was nuked, all the players will rush there to collect all the rare materials that can only be gathered on nuke sites.

The community will be very toxic. If there is an already very toxic singleplayer community is the Fallout 4 one. Mix the most toxic from that community that will love to troll in a multiplayer online Fallout and the experience will be torture.
The crowd responses were... upsetting.
"Look it's a wearable power armor helmet, BUY OUR CRAP!" Crowd: "Wooo *throws panties in air* screech!"
"Fallout shelter for all these other things" Crowd: Woooo, whistle, yay"
"Fucking glow in the dark poster"
Throughout the entire video I was just cringing...
I honestly think John Denver is rolling around in his grave with the use of Country Roads for this dumpster fire.

Literally everything about Vault 76 is counter to Fallout in general, while the idea has merit it seems to be focused on the Fallout 4 game play.

Honestly I just hope the game sells poorly, at least then Bethesda might wake up.
There's no way in hell I'm gonna watch that entire conference, but I did watch the Fallout 76 stuff just to get an idea of what this piece of shit is gonna be like, and wow. I didn't think it was possible, but it looks even worse than I thought. I'm leaning towards drinking myself to death, but I'm not sure yet.
There's no way in hell I'm gonna watch that entire conference, but I did watch the Fallout 76 stuff just to get an idea of what this piece of shit is gonna be like, and wow. I didn't think it was possible, but it looks even worse than I thought. I'm leaning towards drinking myself to death, but I'm not sure yet.

Live and hate, live and hate bugthesda and warn others of it. Make their life hell. Never give up, never give in and hope some good post apocalyptic game gets announced
Get a load of this guy.jpg
Yup, Bethesda definitely does better world building. Remember that time in Fallout 3 where they don't even show how people even survive, and yet make the plot about people needing water to survive? Excellent world building.

sarcasm meter was about to break
Hopes got raised because of the murmurs of 'rebuilding' and being set a few years after the war. Isn't those two things we all wanted from either 4 or 3?

And somehow, they managed to fuck it up.

I wish El Paso was real.
Hopes got raised because of the murmurs of 'rebuilding' and being set a few years after the war. Isn't those two things we all wanted from either 4 or 3?

And somehow, they managed to fuck it up.

I wish El Paso was real.

I would've loved it if Four had incorporated settlements into the progression of the story. Make the "Evil" faction some tribal group who wants to make sure that society can never get to the point where it can nuke itself again. They sure love saying War Never Changes don't they?