I've defended Fallout 3 before, saying the side quests are actually pretty good. But I've been playing Fallout 3 through tale of two wastelands and I'm reminded of how much this game SUCKS. Don't get me wrong, with New Vegas mods it's a million times better. Using a PipPhone to talk to grouse every time a slave gets off map (and they added a repeatable challenge for this called Human Resources which tells you the nanosecond the slave it off map and processed, and that's AMAZING) makes slaving far less of a chore.
But I'm playing with dozens of little mods that correct the problems of it's storytelling.
I got Quo Vagis so you can actually cure the Pitt
I have Tranquility Lane Expanded so I can ACTUALLY KILL BRAUN and save the people inside
I need to get Tenpenny Alternate Endings so I can just kill Roy instead of killing his followers too
I need a mod to make sure the caravaners don't die.
I need a mod to recruit RL-3 even though I should be able to just reprogram him with the Robotics Expert Perk
There's no mod where you can save Dad.
So what does Fallout 3 have? With three green mods, it's pretty. And there's lots of exploring to do. The problem is I don't give a shit about exploring. In TTW the supermutants are a nightmare to fight so that makes the combat interesting, but even with Project Nevada, combat is lackluster.
I don't think roleplayers care about exploration that much. I think that's why we keep saying Bethesda games SUCK. Because narrative is important, the stories are important and you have no agency other than to be a murderhobo. I'm trying to do a pacifist run for Fallout 3 and and not killing people right and left is a goddamned nightmare. And that's even if you don't count supermutants as people and kill them with abandon. I can go anywhere.....and see another goddamned ruin, another goddamned shack, another raider camp.
I don't know how vanilla Fallout New Vegas would compare at this point, but I'm not enjoying Fallout 3 vanilla. Only thing new in this playthrough is the pacifist run and Qou Vagis. But even Quo Vagis brings me out of it. In Vegas, people are going all up and down Clark County, so getting them to come to your studio for a porn shoot makes sense. In Fallout 3, I can't imagine anyone leaving their hidey holes to come to Canterbury Commons. Just walking outside is taking your life into your hands.
Epic Nerd was wrong and hbomberguy was right. Fallout 3 is goddamned awful, and it's a waste of time to replay. I retract ever defending it.
But I'm playing with dozens of little mods that correct the problems of it's storytelling.
I got Quo Vagis so you can actually cure the Pitt
I have Tranquility Lane Expanded so I can ACTUALLY KILL BRAUN and save the people inside
I need to get Tenpenny Alternate Endings so I can just kill Roy instead of killing his followers too
I need a mod to make sure the caravaners don't die.
I need a mod to recruit RL-3 even though I should be able to just reprogram him with the Robotics Expert Perk
There's no mod where you can save Dad.
So what does Fallout 3 have? With three green mods, it's pretty. And there's lots of exploring to do. The problem is I don't give a shit about exploring. In TTW the supermutants are a nightmare to fight so that makes the combat interesting, but even with Project Nevada, combat is lackluster.
I don't think roleplayers care about exploration that much. I think that's why we keep saying Bethesda games SUCK. Because narrative is important, the stories are important and you have no agency other than to be a murderhobo. I'm trying to do a pacifist run for Fallout 3 and and not killing people right and left is a goddamned nightmare. And that's even if you don't count supermutants as people and kill them with abandon. I can go anywhere.....and see another goddamned ruin, another goddamned shack, another raider camp.
I don't know how vanilla Fallout New Vegas would compare at this point, but I'm not enjoying Fallout 3 vanilla. Only thing new in this playthrough is the pacifist run and Qou Vagis. But even Quo Vagis brings me out of it. In Vegas, people are going all up and down Clark County, so getting them to come to your studio for a porn shoot makes sense. In Fallout 3, I can't imagine anyone leaving their hidey holes to come to Canterbury Commons. Just walking outside is taking your life into your hands.
Epic Nerd was wrong and hbomberguy was right. Fallout 3 is goddamned awful, and it's a waste of time to replay. I retract ever defending it.