You have not, but I can guarantee you it has happened, I can absolutely guarantee you it has, that there most definitely are, and very prevalently happened with some absolutely insane cases of people I've had the displeasure of engaging.
One instance in particular, I had an experience with a "Purist" who took his obsession with FO1-2 so seriously that his was infamous for it across many multiple sites, he had been riling, attacking, and winding up people with divisive rhetoric for over 10+ years outside NMA. I won't even name them, they do not deserve the 'fame'. And for my own personal safety as well. All I can say is my experiences with that one person and reading their gross and condescending dialect and the drama/fights/flamewars that spanned years and legitimately put people's security at stake as well as my own encounters with them was probably the worst experience I've ever had on the internet, period.
Don't get me wrong, every village has it's nutcases. I've met cringeworthy people who were diehard Bethesda fans, but this guy... This guy took the fucking cake. He beat people over the head constantly about how intellectually superior he was and using "Real life credentials" to try and support his arguments about video games and "What makes a true Fallout fan". He legitimately acted like just browsing NMA/RPG Codex and forums long closed was a high badge of 'debate legitimacy'. He treated Bethesda fans as if they were an enemy as loathsome as violent radicals, and had absolutely insane raving paragraphs of obscene language and allusions to rape and prostitution, to make sure everyone knew how "strongly" he felt about Fallout.
I'll spare further detail. The incidents I'd seen caused by him had tainted my perception of the people in cRPG communities for quite some time until I grow some common sense and learned the few did not represent the many. There is a greater silent majority of cRPG fans who don't use forums, like most gamers, who are considerably level-headed, as well as vocal ones. I will try not to be biased though, I've run into irritatingly ignorant BGS diehard fans too. Though they were annoying, they were usually just white noise to me; not as calculating, intelligently belligerent as the one I mentioned prior.