So why do Bethesda fans responsd harshely to critism of their games?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I don't just mean fans of the newer games but of stuff like Morrorowind too. I think Morrowind has a ton of flaws that its fans don't really bring to light like the fact all the characters talk the same of it.

So what is it about Bethesda that acts a magnet for fanboyism for it? It's kinda weird I think
They respond harshly because they're all shills.

So what is it about Bethesda that acts a magnet for fanboyism for it? It's kinda weird I think
Fandoms in general respond harshly to criticisms of their whatever.

For example I'm also a fan of the classic RE series yet I understand why Capcom created the RE2 remake with the over-the-shoulder pov since they want to try and tap into a wider demographic. Now when I point out a flaw in the gameplay of the classics they call me an "RE4 fanboie" when I myself prefer classic REs even having done knife only runs of RE1, 3 and Code Veronica
If you think Bethesda fans respond harshly to criticisms of their games, you obviously never met Roshambo...
Entertainment is a zero-sum game. Consumers have a finite amount of money to spend on games, so companies have a finite amount of money with which to produce games. (This applies to movies, TV, and music as well.) If other people like the same things you like, it increases the chances that companies will make more of the things you like. If other people don't like the same things you like, it reduces the chances that companies will make more of the things you like. This is why people band together into fandoms and do their best to silence critics.
If you think Bethesda fans respond harshly to criticisms of their games, you obviously never met Roshambo...
What are you talking about? Rosh never was a Beth fan.

He was the finest death claw this board has ever seen. And considering that nature, his behaviour was always excelent.
Entertainment is a zero-sum game. Consumers have a finite amount of money to spend on games, so companies have a finite amount of money with which to produce games. (This applies to movies, TV, and music as well.) If other people like the same things you like, it increases the chances that companies will make more of the things you like. If other people don't like the same things you like, it reduces the chances that companies will make more of the things you like. This is why people band together into fandoms and do their best to silence critics.
Well said. It also explains 80% of all arguments on the Internet. People have to defend something they love because they want more of it, and don't like it when critics discourage the production of their favorite things.

Sometimes, we let our emotions get too volatile. And on the Internet, phewie, that's even more likely when you're not seeing the other person's face, and therefore, dehumanizes him.
What are you talking about? Rosh never was a Beth fan.

He was the finest death claw this board has ever seen. And considering that nature, his behaviour was always excelent.

I think you misunderstood him/her.
He is pointing out that Bethesda fans can't compare to the fanaticism Rosh had for BIS Fallout games. Which is kinda true, dude was extreme.
I never met him, but I've read the archives. Rosh was his own special glittering gem of hatred.
I understood this perfectly I just hoped to mock it with my pretended misunderstanding. And for a death claw he was considered moderate, since they usually just tear your face to pieces.
A lot of fandoms will usually be very defensive over any peice of critism but there is at least some that will understand, I think for the case of most Bethesda fans a lot of them were probably like me (7 or 8 years old back in 2008 and picked up Fallout 3 then played Skyrim and loved em, or least I didn't) so a lot of those people might just not still understand that people can have different opinions and should respect each other.

And this doesn't just apply to fandoms In relation to games, movies, TV shows, books, celebrities ect, there will always be the nice part of those fandoms and there will always be the asshole/crazed part that will never accept the fact that there favorite thing might have a problem.
I mean you can say the same thing about us. Why? Because they are obsessed with it. It is attached to their personality. A normal person will shrug off a complaint about something like their favorite movie or game. Someone that has their entire identity absorbed by Fallout because they are on a fan forum wearing a shirt with Pip the Vault Dude masturbating to Fallout Deathclaw porn? They are likely to get pretty defensive about their thing they like. They are essentially a Man Child at that point. Unless you do nothing but post on forums and masturbate to Deathclaw porn while wearing a Fallout shirt - take no offense gentlemen.

The problem specific to Beth is not that they are passionnate.
The problem is that when you point out a flaw in the games they like, they tend to react the same way as they would if you criticized them. They make no difference between those games and themselves.
I have to see a NMA member who do the same.
The problem specific to Beth is not that they are passionnate.
The problem is that when you point out a flaw in the games they like, they tend to react the same way as they would if you criticized them. They make no difference between those games and themselves.
I have to see a NMA member who do the same.
Not to mention how often they pull out the old "The game being a buggy piece of shit with the depth of a puddle is all part of that Bethesda charm : ))))))" They're brainwashed.
I've seen some Bethesda fans say that the games will suck if Bethesda stops using the Gamebryo engine. I had a good laugh when i read this.
I've seen some Bethesda fans say that the games will suck if Bethesda stops using the Gamebryo engine. I had a good laugh when i read this.
They actually aren't wrong in this case, Bethesda nowadays don't actually have much of the knowledge of other engine, to learn to use a new engine for them is not going to happen since it take some good years before they learned one, and by then they won't have the time to create a shippable(by bethesda standard) elder scrolls game that able satisfy the consumer demand.
Right now they are in the position that can't and don't need to change their engine, can't because what i already said up there, don't need to because consumer will still pre-order their game even they think it's suck.
And they still going to stay in that position for quite a while because people just never stop pre-order their game even how awfully outdated gamebryo is.
You have not, but I can guarantee you it has happened, I can absolutely guarantee you it has, that there most definitely are, and very prevalently happened with some absolutely insane cases of people I've had the displeasure of engaging.

One instance in particular, I had an experience with a "Purist" who took his obsession with FO1-2 so seriously that his was infamous for it across many multiple sites, he had been riling, attacking, and winding up people with divisive rhetoric for over 10+ years outside NMA. I won't even name them, they do not deserve the 'fame'. And for my own personal safety as well. All I can say is my experiences with that one person and reading their gross and condescending dialect and the drama/fights/flamewars that spanned years and legitimately put people's security at stake as well as my own encounters with them was probably the worst experience I've ever had on the internet, period.

Don't get me wrong, every village has it's nutcases. I've met cringeworthy people who were diehard Bethesda fans, but this guy... This guy took the fucking cake. He beat people over the head constantly about how intellectually superior he was and using "Real life credentials" to try and support his arguments about video games and "What makes a true Fallout fan". He legitimately acted like just browsing NMA/RPG Codex and forums long closed was a high badge of 'debate legitimacy'. He treated Bethesda fans as if they were an enemy as loathsome as violent radicals, and had absolutely insane raving paragraphs of obscene language and allusions to rape and prostitution, to make sure everyone knew how "strongly" he felt about Fallout.

I'll spare further detail. The incidents I'd seen caused by him had tainted my perception of the people in cRPG communities for quite some time until I grow some common sense and learned the few did not represent the many. There is a greater silent majority of cRPG fans who don't use forums, like most gamers, who are considerably level-headed, as well as vocal ones. I will try not to be biased though, I've run into irritatingly ignorant BGS diehard fans too. Though they were annoying, they were usually just white noise to me; not as calculating, intelligently belligerent as the one I mentioned prior.
No offense, but there is no reason for people to believe such character exists if you don't provide any evident of it, and saying tell us his name will put you in the harm way just make it even more unbelievable.
If you want to convince people about his existing is real, you better provide actual evident instead just description.
If you can't or refuse to do so, then there is no reason for us to believe such character exists, therefore it will just make you looks like someone suddenly come up with some character then claim it's a real person and use the character to support him own story.
I wouldn't waste my time to lie about a fake person in a fake story just to create some fake narrative if I wasn't biased. I sit firmly in the center, or at least make an attempt to. And besides that, it's a mathematical assurance that you will eventually run into a nasty person like that, NMA or not, who leans in that direction. That's just how the wheel spins for communities in general. A thorough audit of the archives would provide ample instances of unstable people, maybe not to that degree, but somewhat so, or even beyond that. But in this instance you will simply have to take me on my word. I will provide nothing further. If you do not, that is to your benefit. I was just reciting a vague synopsis of a real person and real events that happened a long time ago to use as an example. If you spend enough time to peruse enough forums, comment sections, or discussion forums for the Fallout series and more specifically the classics and New Vegas I'm sure you'd find who I was talking about or someone at least similar to who I was talking about. The events and person in particular do not matter in this instance.
So, you refuse to back it up, then there is no reason for us to consider your words about his "person" is credible in this instance.
For example I'm also a fan of the classic RE series yet I understand why Capcom created the RE2 remake with the over-the-shoulder pov since they want to try and tap into a wider demographic
its a shame so few people appreciate fixed camera + tank controls. they say its clunky and outdated. that it only existed because of limited technology. well no shit. developers used to scroll sprites across the the screen for 2d platformers. does that mean we shouldn't make 2D platformers anymore? no because there's a type of gameplay there that just can't be replicated with 3D. the same can definetly be said for fixed cameras. RE7 comes about as close as you can get to replicating old RE without quote unquote "regressing" but its still a fundamentally different experience to the classics. at any rate the original REmake outright made the original PSx RE obsolete. we can't say REmake 2 is going to be doing the same thing and on some level i think that's a good thing.
its a shame so few people appreciate fixed camera + tank controls. they say its clunky and outdated. that it only existed because of limited technology. well no shit. developers used to scroll sprites across the the screen for 2d platformers. does that mean we shouldn't make 2D platformers anymore? no because there's a type of gameplay there that just can't be replicated with 3D. the same can definetly be said for fixed cameras.
Thing with the 2d platformers comparison though is with 2d platformers there are different other mechanics at play. You have skillbased twitch ones with short levels and butter smooth controls and ability/key based Metroidvanias just to give an example.
With fixed camera horror on the other hand RE3 was very ambitious adding some quick time dodge and new enemy types and attack patterns but the REmakes/RE0 went back to its core and went for atmospheric horror. Other games like Galerians and Parasite Eve went with AoE attack types and Eternal Darkness went with meter management. Then you have SH: The Room which implemented invincibility frames in combat and made half the game an escort mission. The only other tank control game I consider ground breaking in terms of mechanics is the Fatal Frame series since they required a considerable amount of spacial awareness with most critters being able to pass through walls and leave the layouts of the game while your character is switching from fixed to FPS.

If we want a revival in the fixed camera tank controls we'll have to come up with something that is both ground breaking AND fun (Galerians, SH Room and Eternal Darkness were less fun more stressful).