The mod works very well in the first mission, but when I travel
true the wasteland toward to the Enclave base i
came across with this in avery random encouters that i have.
a vertibird in the middle of the map next to a green exit point, that to me does not make much sense but must be part of the design i think.
but at the base there is another one that looks like a hologram
these were the ones i found so far that seems a bit strange.
In the "Bazaar Day" area, if we stay to long in the place
you start to hear a noise that looks like an old tv.
In the Rocking Road area there seems to be another problem with the soundtrack
"Fortunate Son" there are two versions playing at the same time.
Another thing i did not
understand, i travel with my 5 members of my team to that area
but only four appear.
I don´t understand if this is part of mission or something else
I really like this mod, but after the first mission things started to get weird.
can you please tell me if this is normal or is there something wrong with the mod