Look, Ma! Two Heads!

The God of Abraham, may his light shine through the fog of paganism
They are all the same aspect of one unknowable God. If any of you cared to learn to project you could go find out.What makes the God of Abraham more real than, say, Sol Invictus?
I think humanity's purpose is not to believe in and serve Gods, it's to kill them and become them ourselves.
Whichever gods there are, they are all kinda assholes, so, you know, fuck them.
Serve the God-Emperor instead.
Always kind of liked Shiva and Thor myself. And Väinämöinen, what Tolkien based Gandalf and other Middle-Earth stuff on.äinämöinen
INDEED.Whichever gods there are, they are all kinda assholes, so, you know, fuck them.
Serve the God-Emperor instead.
I mean, even the bible doesn't suggest there's only one god. Just that the Israelite God is greater than the other gods, being the one true God that is the one true source of everything.
So far as personal belief goes, I tend to probably fall as some weird denomination of Christian - like most Americans probably, but not deluding myself claiming to adhere to a specific subset, failing to uphold it, and then acting like *I'm* the one going somewhere good. I do like the concept of only needing to appeal to a singular forgiving Divinity and a continuation of my own consciousness, though, largely because without it I'd hold life as almost valueless. Regardless, since I'm a bit of a non-criminal monster by my own beliefs and I'm trucking to hell anyway, I intend to try sin-eating on behalf of several friends and relatives on the way though just in case I'm wrong that the divine being actually cares about denominations and specific faiths and all that. I'd like to get the good people I know in who are atheistic or just made mistakes while I'm about it. Worst that happens if I'm wrong is I have to drink some bitter beer from a wooden bowl and eat some brown bread. Also I'll cease to exist at the end so this is all a sublime joke anyway, might as well be a punchline.
The bible mentions other gods, explicitly as lesser things to be ignored and unworshiped, pretty frequently ('You shall have no other gods before Me', 'our God is the God of gods, and Lord of lords', 'I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt' * '' . Beyond that, you're right. Paul, iirc, tries to clear things up into only one god but I tend to distrust most of what he writes, as I don't entirely buy his Saul to Paul "see the light" miracle and his supposed call to divine insight on exactly how every other Christian sect should be following their faith. I tend to wonder if he wasn't just a guy who saw an untapped power base and was canny enough to sell a tale to tap it as opposed to doing his job of attacking it. But, I'm a pessimist and hell-bound so its not something I overly worry about.
* I pulled most of those from here: not memory or anything. Its been years since I read the bible back to back, back when I first started college. There's even some counter argument quotes to what I said in there.