There is only one god

There's a religion that worships a flying spaghetti monster or some shit like that.

There's also one on Reddit that worships Nicholas Cage. Not sure if it still exists.

The flying spaghettimonster is a mock religion, I think it stems from the "flying teacup"-conundrum, where the religious are confronted when they say "you can never disprove God", by suggesting that nobody could ever firmly disprove the existence of a small teacup flying in orbit around Earth, therefore by religious logic, such a small teacup in orbit must surely exist (and might at that be responsible for having created all of existene)
I think all y'all should worship me on this forum.
Non-compliance will be met with divine punishment.
I think humanity's purpose is not to believe in and serve Gods, it's to kill them and become them ourselves.
Pretty much this.
I often answer people with something along the lines of this though, "It does not matter what gods I do or don't chose to believe in. What matters is how I live now, in this realm, and how I influence it."
I think Buddha at some point said something similar (not trying to convince you anything of Buddha, just something I read). I'm much more more concerned with how I'm doing things here and now, and that's how I feel about everyone else too. I don't care what your "beliefs" are and whether or not you are religiously inclined. I care about how you're interacting with other living beings and the place we live. If you're helping people in need, I don't care what religious alignment is pushing for that cause. I care that you are helping and you doing the world favors. If you're killing or enslaving people, that's something I'm not okay with. I only care that if it's religiously motivated that others don't follow that same interpretation or path that you do. That's what matters right now. We can deal with the otherworldly shit when the lights go out. In the meantime, we're here.
That tag says "Admin." That's like, one step below "The One True God."
There's still Korin in the Pantheon above me. But yeah, I should adjust my tag for my newly acquired divinity. Even though there's still a One-Above-All, mighty Lord @Korin.
I'm in! Now what do we call you? King? Lord? Lord Hass has a nice ring to it.

Ha ha, carry on.
I'm a humble person. "God-Emperor" is the official title, but "Lord" is fine for brevity.

Rejoice, for you have witnessed the birth of a God!
All you fucktards who apparently don't know the gospel of our one true lord, God-Emperor Hassknecht, can read it.
Link is in my signature.
whatever jackasses Aurelius believes in.
I laughed way too hard for way too long at this. I too believe in Thor so basically add another Thor to that list. I’ll take my chances with the retribution of Lord Hass tho. Life can’t kick me any more than it has.
I laughed way too hard for way too long at this. I too believe in Thor so basically add another Thor to that list. I’ll take my chances with the retribution of Lord Hass tho. Life can’t kick me any more than it has.
And like any proper God I haven't read that thread where you detail your personal life story or whatever in because who cares?