Mildly Dipped

Disappointing, but I don't think Carpenter is aware of Bethesda's mishandling of the IP as we are, or the shitty business practices in gaming industry in general. He just plays it in a vacuum and comments on what he sees, which is fair IMO.
Is Carpenter in any way involved in the industry? Maybe I'm just unaware of it. I don't think being a famous filmmaker gives your opinion of a video game any more weight than your average joe's. Roger Ebert is certainly famous for his clueless estimation of the medium.
Given how popular modding has been for their games, I was surprised to discover that Bethesda never implemented any Steam workshop support, and that adding any mods to Oblivion or Skyrim was a more involved process than I expected. But I don't know anything about the technical side of their games, so maybe that just isn't possible.