It Wandered In From the Wastes

New character art design, now with all isometric angles.
New vs old
New vs old

Thanks! Appreciate!Love the style.
Nothing realy apart from exposure considerations and ease of use for players. Biggest problem for this game (and many other indies) is thelack of exposure - it does not matter if game's good if nobody knows it exist. There are so many games, it's a fight for your attention. Certain platforms have tools to help with that - e.g. Steam has guaranteed exposures and so on. That's one of the reasons to got with it. GoG would excellent because there' smaller, more focused selection and easier not to get lostSay, I wonder, is there something stopping a indie dev from selling the game outside of a disttributor platform? In case, say GoG isn't convinced easily, which I hope it won't be like that.
itch.io's definitely the go to if GOG for some reason rejected your game. They're also DRM-free and provides offline installer iirc.Is itch.io OK alternative? Because I released it there the first, web, version and no reason no to publish there as well. The player numbers there are small but it's still something.