Atomic Postman
Vault Archives Overseer
Was thinking about playing KOTOR 1 + 2 but not sure whether i'll bother.
Opinions on KOTOR/recommendations/comments whatever wanted
Opinions on KOTOR/recommendations/comments whatever wanted
Mando Wars sounded sick as fuck and apparently that's all KOTOR
The Mandalorian Wars play an important role in the backstory of the KOTOR games, but the war itself has been over for at least a decade or so by the time the first game starts. Still, you get a badass ex-Mandalorian companion that talks about it a lot (in both games).My attraction is because I was reading about the Mandalorian Wars after watching the show and vaguely knowing about Jedi-Mando conflict and tbqh the Mando Wars sounded sick as fuck and apparently that's all KOTOR