The voice of reason
I know it is small potatoes compared to all the other crap in the mod but why the fuck is Ceaser's Legion in Oregon fighting the NCR? like do the devs not know the layout of the US or something?
why the fuck is Ceaser's Legion in Oregon fighting the NCR?
Couldn't go to Colorado or Utah? make way more sense than fucking Oregon, considering it is part if the NCR and not actually the frontier.Because that was the easiest way for them to set up huge battles, which was more or less the main point of the entire mod.
Couldn't go to Colorado or Utah? make way more sense than fucking Oregon, considering it is part if the NCR and not actually the frontier.
I think they've kind of said as much. Nothing's wrong with the location itself, it's just that they should have used different factions.The thought process regarding the location probably wasn't much more complicated than "Oregon = Snow and Snow is the opposite of Desert which will make it interesting"
This is so fucking weird, if you want trigger warning stuff just put it in the options menu to filter out certain content or something... this kind of stuff is immersion breaking for everyone, including the people its trying to help.>inspired by Call of Duty
And in the trash bin it goes. Leave CoD out of Fallout, official release or mod by fans regardless.
Trigger warnings, it has unironic trigger warnings like in Bloodlines 2. Jesus.
Welp, another crappy mod that misses entirely the point of New Vegas and just Fallout in general.
They photoshoped devs' posts and messages, harassed people and incited hatred by exaggerating facts.
Even if this is true the mod is dogshit based on it's own merits and would be the subject of ridicule even without all the background shit with the devs.
Also since we are on the topic of fun mod ideas that are better than The Frontier, I have always had this idea of a prospector-centric DLC-sized adventure where The Courier finds themselves as part of a team of scavengers going through some pre-war site untouched since The Great War that basically serves as a mega-dungeon. Gradually as the story goes on more and more segments of the dungeon are unlocked as The Courier and their companions learn of the terrifying secrets this place hides.
Please think for a second before jumping on the bandwagon. There are questionable content in the mod but this is not about it.
This whole thing was a disgusting troll attack by 4chan.
They photoshoped devs' posts and messages, harassed people and incited hatred by exaggerating facts.
You don't like a mod you criticize it, not try to destroy it.
I heard that the programmer drew stuff of a MLP version of Jesus from The Big Lebowski exposing himself to a younger pony. So yeah, this mod is cursed.No, the mod is shit.
I saw Rimmy's vid on it. He ain't no 4channer. I saw the Furry artist's porn on Derpibooru, of Twilight licking Spikes snake dick. I don't know how much is true about some programmer holding the rest of the mod hostage for his magicalrealm stuff, but from Rimmy alone ( I really don't give a damn about some furry fuck doing furry porn) the mod was a mess. be fair the mod devs provoked 4chan first by shilling their mod then getting offended when /v/ told them it was bad.