Guilty Pleasures

Atomic Postman

Vault Archives Overseer
Post movies, TV Shows, video games that you know in a real sense are quite bad, below average or otherwise just plain not good but you still enjoy them for your own weird or personal reasons anyways.

For me it's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" it's an entirely forgettible Ben Stiller flick with hokey sentimentality and more product placement than a Sandler movie, but it really gets me for some reason.

Video game wise I guess EYE Divine Cybermancy? Although the garbage nonsense mechanics are so abstract that I think that crosses the line into art. So maybe not
Married With Children

I feel like Sitcoms in general are a guilty pleasure genre. Any sitcom I've enjoyed, like Parks and Rec, has been the equivalent of junk/comfort food that I just put on in the background. I think there's like maybe 3 sitcoms total that are actually quality.
The bastard child of my favourite films is Freddy got Fingered. Unlike The Room (another beloved classic) I don't think it was made in earnest, but unlike sharknado (a film that shouldn't exist), it feels like it was made to waste as much money as possible. It kind of sits within its own thing, and I don't know if Tom Green is an idiot who accidentally made a comedy remake to The Holy Mountain or if he is an absolute genius who wanted to shit on his own movie, and to me, that makes Freddy got Fingered an absolute classic.
I think Tom Green is more talented than people give him credit for. He knew how to milk his niche and got rich doing it. Freddy Got Fingered is a comedy masterpiece.
In College during my many all nighters from studying graphic design, I usually put shit on the tv (later pc) to serve as background noise because I get stressed with too much silence, so I became an habitual watcher of this weirdo australian sit com called the Elephant princess that Lat Am Nickelodeon used to run at like 2 am. It fucking sucked but I watched the entirety of it. I sometimes look up clips just for fun.

I don't think people should feel guilty for enjoying anything, just like what you like.

But if i had any "guilty pleasure", it would be Sonic Adventure 1 and Matrix Revolutions. I have a severe case of nostalgia bias to Sonic Adventure 1 that is not even funny, any song from that game will send me flashbacks to my childhood where i played the shit out of it. And with Matrix Revolutions i don't even know why i like it, i know i just do.
I don't even think Sonic Adventure 1 is that bad.
Alright, 60% of it is bad, the Camera is shit, some of the stages outstay their welcome, some of the characters aren't... Good and Bigs the Cat is a monstrosity to the artform of gaming. However that 40% is pretty damn great.
Alright, 60% of it is bad, the Camera is shit, some of the stages outstay their welcome, some of the characters aren't... Good and Bigs the Cat is a monstrosity to the artform of gaming.
Forgot to mention that the character boss battles are also terrible. Gamma's fight against Sonic just requires the player to spam the shoot button to win. And some of the regular boss battles are also terrible like Chaos 4.
However that 40% is pretty damn great.
Eh, it ranges from great to decent since even the main trio has their fair amount of issues that needed to be ironed out.

Honestly, if the game was just the main trio, it would have allowed the devs the time to fine tune their control, level design and content size to deliver an actual great first entry to the 3D genre. Instead it's a really flawed experience that i really love.
The only good thing about Sonic as a franchise are Rouge the bat and Sonic Generations. Also the Sonic Forces mobile game is a fun mindless runner.

The only consistent design element between Sonic games is the button whose sole propouse is to make you dart off the stage and kill you if you press it, is like on the design document for every game.
Howard the duck is far and away my favorite marvel movie. It's got everything you want in campy trash. Charming effort, bad comedy, tonal inconsistency, interesting special effects, and a hot lady.
Howard the duck is far and away my favorite marvel movie. It's got everything you want in campy trash. Charming effort, bad comedy, tonal inconsistency, interesting special effects, and a hot lady.
Wait, it was movie where there was energy consuming alien as antagonist? I thought it was a fewer dream, when I was a kid.
Howard the duck is far and away my favorite marvel movie. It's got everything you want in campy trash. Charming effort, bad comedy, tonal inconsistency, interesting special effects, and a hot lady.

She won't fuck you you know.
For me, when I'm so tired that I can barely get out of bed, I like to watch Scooby Doo animated movies (not the CGI or real life actors).

I have no idea why I like to watch those. They're pretty bad... I guess it's because they are so low effort or something.
The only good thing about Sonic as a franchise are Rouge the bat