Fallout: The Frontier


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Any word on this? I haven't heard much of or seen much of it in a while. What's the current tentative release date, if any
There's not a release date. And no estimates on when it will be released, last time I checked.
Large-scale DLC-esque mods like this don't tend to ever give out release dates, even tentative ones. It can be easy to want to have a date to look forward to, but these things operate on a often very variable time schedule. I know really nothing about The Frontier or the team behind it, but I know a little about these projects and how they work. They can make really great progress, look like they'll be done in a month, and then the next week make hardly any at all. It all depends on the team, they are doing it for free, after all, and have life to focus on. Not to mention the fact that a really important person could suddenly drop out of the project one day and it would change everything. So they likely don't give dates out just for that reason.
Rimmy encapsulates most of my thoughts on the matter.

The technical stuff? Fucking amazing.

The writing? Dogshit. A pile of 'cool' stuff nailed together. Honestly they should had paused once they thought having the Legion and Brotherhood knockoff as the focus for THE NORTHWEST and went from there but nope they went along with it.

Why not just quietly fuck off and try and make a new mod that's smaller and more reasonable?

I don't understand why just cutting your losses is so hard.
What they should do is remake all the factions, quests, etc. Just take the world map they built and the vehicle system and make a whole new story. With original factions and all. And while they’re at it, make it take place in Canada.
Not gonna work. There reputation is fucked now, everyone now thinks of them as that group of egotistical degenerates and furries. No one will work with them. They should quietly leave the modding scene. Even if they rewrote everything it would still be shit.
Not gonna work. There reputation is fucked now, everyone now thinks of them as that group of egotistical degenerates and furries. No one will work with them. They should quietly leave the modding scene. Even if they rewrote everything it would still be shit.
if done tastefully, a furry DLC will not turn out as grim and cringey as something you would find, in a click bait iceberg video.
technically some devs of fallout 1 are furries, but they realized how cringey smart, biped raccons holding spears, would be so they scratched that out.
something that doesn't have an effect in the lore, and is there just as a tribute to a franchise is ok.
like that fan-made My Little Pony mod, that you can find in deviantart.
it's not a +18 DLC with otaku fantasies, is just a comedic mod that transforms the main character into a pony.
unlike fallout 1 devs, they failed to realize the damage they would inflict in their product... no wonder people disliked their immature furry pornography, with necrophilia to make it even more cringey.
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So, I have been reading "The Anatomy of Story" and it is a very enlightening read. As I have been reading it I see just how much the Frontier team did wrong. I plan on writing an essay on how and what went wrong when I get done reading it.
So, I have been reading "The Anatomy of Story" and it is a very enlightening read. As I have been reading it I see just how much the Frontier team did wrong. I plan on writing an essay on how and what went wrong when I get done reading it.
Could you write it as an official essay for the sites main page?