First time out of the vault

I hope this follows the forum rules
Fallout 4 doesn't really feel like Fallout (I've only played New Vegas), it feels like a first person shooter spin-off like C&C: Renegade. You have a voiced protagonist, you can't roleplay with the protagonist at all, there is no skills, and it doesn't even tell you that you leveled up. The dialogue is confusing and not really well written, and I feel like Bethesda was looking at the previous Fallout games through a distorted lens, as a ton of the elements from New Vegas seem distorted and weird in Fallout 4. The brotherhood of steel seems like a military organization rather than a more passive one. The gun mods and workshop system is so out of place, and the need to collect every single Misc (now junk for whatever reason) item is so tedious. They could of just made a sequel to Fallout 3/New Vegas but instead they made a game that feels like a rip-off made by some foriegn stuido.
Fallout 4 doesn't really feel like Fallout (I've only played New Vegas), it feels like a first person shooter spin-off like C&C: Renegade. You have a voiced protagonist, you can't roleplay with the protagonist at all, there is no skills, and it doesn't even tell you that you leveled up. The dialogue is confusing and not really well written, and I feel like Bethesda was looking at the previous Fallout games through a distorted lens, as a ton of the elements from New Vegas seem distorted and weird in Fallout 4. The brotherhood of steel seems like a military organization rather than a more passive one. The gun mods and workshop system is so out of place, and the need to collect every single Misc (now junk for whatever reason) item is so tedious. They could of just made a sequel to Fallout 3/New Vegas but instead they made a game that feels like a rip-off made by some foriegn stuido.