Fallout Fan For Life!
And by this, I'm talking about an in-universe explanation. Since the encounters are considered non canon, and that the whole intention of the trait was for it act as a silliness switch. It's safe to say that they're indeed delusions that The Courier is having while traveling across the Mojave!
Now does anyone have a logical explanation as to what's the main cause for the hallucinations? Like for example Dehydration, Chems, the head injury caused by being shot by Benny, etc.

I'm curious to know what your theories are!
Also, can you imagine the companion's reaction to seeing their boss freaking out about seeing Aliens and making the claim of being attacked by a gang of old ladies!? Definitely one of the best mental imagines to think about, and you know there should be some fan art about this particular concept by now. It's that funny!
Now does anyone have a logical explanation as to what's the main cause for the hallucinations? Like for example Dehydration, Chems, the head injury caused by being shot by Benny, etc.

I'm curious to know what your theories are!

Also, can you imagine the companion's reaction to seeing their boss freaking out about seeing Aliens and making the claim of being attacked by a gang of old ladies!? Definitely one of the best mental imagines to think about, and you know there should be some fan art about this particular concept by now. It's that funny!