Chris Avellone was falsly accused, accussers had no intent


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

The seemingly never ending story about the false #metoo accusations against our dear Chris Avellone has finally come to an end. See this topic and this for our previous coverage.

In a joint statement the instigators together with the innocently accused comes to this conclusion:

Mr. Avellone never sexually abused either of us. We have no knowledge that he has ever sexually abused any women. We have no knowledge that Mr. Avellone has ever misused corporate funds. Anything we have previously said or written about Mr. Avellone to the contrary was not our intent.

Chris Avellone is also set to receive a seven-figure payment even though those low income women probably never ever will be able to pay that.

The good natured Chris Avelllone showed himself to be the bigger man by concluding the statement thus:

Chris Avellone said:
I appreciate the willingness of Ms. Barrows and Ms. Bristol to work with us in addressing issues within the game community, and their advocacy is to be commended and supported.

There are still many very real challenges that we face but am confident we can face them together.

In the spirit of these goals, I would ask everyone to respect the privacy of Ms. Barrows and Ms. Bristol and use this opportunity as a means to listen to all voices in improving our culture and our communities.

Kotaku, a fake news media outlet, that spread the fake rumours back in 2020 without asking the accusers any critical question has had to update their lying piece. It now includes the sentence:

Kotaku said:
As part of that settlement, Barrows requested to retract the statements to Kotaku she originally made below.

The title of the article is still misleading though as it makes you think there are still multiple women left who have not retracted their stories.

The readiness from gaming media to spread false rumours instead of doing investigating journalism is one of the biggest take-aways from this whole debacle. One of the few honest journalists during this was Erik Kain on Forbes. Nichegamer also did honest work.

That most companies are ready to throw a partner under the bus as to avoid negative press is also interesting and sad. However not all companies did that, the developer behind Alaloth stood firm during the entire process.

Alaloth developer said:
The end. We've been asked to remove Chris from @alalothgame credits many times, back in 2020. We never did, simply pointing out that accusations on Twitter don't equal evidences in the real world. Curious to see if anyone from media is going to apologize now. Words matter.

Let's hope the gaming industry accepts Chris Avellone back into their fold now and that he gets to work on many rewarding projects in the years to come!
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Given the way the legal system has historically been used to silence victims, it's probably not the best idea to definitively print that a prominent industry figure "was wronged" in a news hit about their libel suit settlement that saw women retract detailed allegations*
No fuck them. He was wronged. Print it and have their pictures with title crazy bitches wronged someone with false allegations.
I'm glad that he turned out to be innocent. The rate of false sexual abuse accusations is still extremely low in comparison to true accusations, much less compared to the rate of unreported sexual abuse, so I'm not really interested in complaining about the women who accused him. Ultimately, people will still complain about and debate his writing for the New Vegas DLCs until the end of time.
Women who accuse on false grounds ruins things for all women who are actually abused. That's the tragedy. And that's why feminists should be angry with women like Karissa Barrows and other false accusers instead of defending them.
I hope that now his name is cleared up, game companies drop the fake controversy and take him back on. The dude is talented and can still write a lot of cool narratives for us to enjoy.
No fuck them. He was wronged. Print it and have their pictures with title crazy bitches wronged someone with false allegations.

"But we said we were sorry."

I'm glad that he turned out to be innocent. The rate of false sexual abuse accusations is still extremely low in comparison to true accusations, much less compared to the rate of unreported sexual abuse, so I'm not really interested in complaining about the women who accused him. Ultimately, people will still complain about and debate his writing for the New Vegas DLCs until the end of time.

Yep, the accusation genie is out of the bottle now and won't be put back in.
Even now that it is revealed that the accusations were proven false (was it done in court?), there will always be those who claim that there are doubts (people who for some reason have some personal stake in matters like these, how trivial it sometimes is) and will keep bringing this up.
And because the writer has been suspected of being 'a naughty person who refused to admit it', his work will also be suspect because of that.
Not because of the quality of the writing such as its content and structure, or because people think the ideas themselves in are not very good.

Women who accuse on false grounds ruins things for all women who are actually abused. That's the tragedy. And that's why feminists should be angry with women like Karissa Barrows and other false accusers instead of defending them.

Indeed, but you don't see this kind of 'internal regulation and pursuit of the truth' much in such movements.
It has been long been deconstructed that there is some kind of 'universal sisterhood' among women as women can be just as nasty towards each other as men can be toward each other.
But often it is so that unless some women have some personal issues against other women who have been spreading falsehoods, they won't address these particular individuals on having potentially damaged the reputation and lives of those they have accused.
Its more like, at least here in the West that their reaction is "Okay we made a mistake, we said we were sorry and we now want to move. Now get of my back."
Not everyone of course, but it is definitely the reaction of the most loudest activists who scream that they need to be believed until they are proven to have mistakes or even lied.

I always hate it how a small group of people often ruins thing for everyone else. The consequences never stick to just them. No, more people need to pay the price.
I hope it's dead because it will be shit anyway. I hope the people that are looking forward to it get sad.
VTMB is the definition of a cult classic, something that doesn't need a big budget sequel many years later.

Plus Chris wouldn't be able to do anything about the bad gameplay decisions like no guns.
Is this a response to the no guns thing? Because it's apparently true. Smiling Jack makes a big speech in the first game that even vampires rock guns because shit like shotguns can heavily injure a vampire, but the devs of the second game apparently missed that and claim that vampires don't need guns.
... But it's a gun...
And normal people still exist that needs to be killed.
What, it makes more sense for vampires to leave neck wounds and vampire power kills all over the place that totally won't arouse suspicion but using a gun on a gang member you need to get rid of doesn't?
Also not every vampire get far away powers or can close the distance super fast so a gun is very useful. Can be used just to intimidate people as well, get people to scram by shooting in the air, destroy a piece of tech with little effort on your part. What a bunch of idiotic twatwaffles.