Unofficial Fallout 2 3D Remake FPS Boomer shooter work progress

Jonasz Osmenda

Work in progress Fallout 2 3D Remake
Hello guys, catch out what im working on.
Im making 3D Fallout world with First Person perspective.
check out newest video:

I speek in Polish but i added Russian and English subtitles.


  • fw.png
    643.6 KB · Views: 528
Interesting.... How will things like dialogue work like? Will it be like in the new fallouts were you can see the enviroment while in conversation, or like the classic fallout talking heads
Interesting.... How will things like dialogue work like? Will it be like in the new fallouts were you can see the enviroment while in conversation, or like the classic fallout talking heads

I will try make everything like original (not all will be possible) conversations, VATs system, Inventory and barter
Is this split from that other project or just same resources?
Looks very interesting. I like how you took all the graphics from the original, how did you fix the perspectives? did you fix the perspectives?
Presumably Photoshop, and/or 3D modeler. Also most likely using the Fallout 2 editor to display them for the screenshots.

When the FO3 debut presentation screenshots leaked, they were all 3/4 view from where the audience member recorded them. I corrected them all [to squared front view] using Photoshop, and gave them to Per.
More and more people play this 3d fallout remake, really cool

Why there is no news about that project on nma? Please make one :)
I will try make everything like original (not all will be possible) conversations, VATs system, Inventory and barter

that is amazing. and this whole project is great. I've tried replaying fallout 2 for fun and streams but the travel system doesnt work anymore. not sure why. I tried your version out.
Its great. There are bugs of course but it is definitely a step in the right direction

first bugs i noticed... custom characters page... cant change the name. cant tag skills. i stopped at the beginning of the temple cause i was just looking to see if the character sheet
had character models that were scrapped in the original game like the one that allowed super mutant characters and other character models. will you be including all the content that killaps restoration project managed to put back in? that would be awesome!

all the best hope it goes well. would love to play some of the early versions to help with bug finding but i'll wait until you fixed the character creation page

this is awesome!
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i guess your not a super mutant

Good to know. at least turn it to the other side. it is a religious symbol so i hope you are hindu or one of the others that use it... but otherwise... your an asshole because those symbols go the other way around... asshole fucking pieace of shit neo nazi supporter.... change it.

My family died to fucking nazis you piece of shit... german and canadian... either in the resistance or in the war... your disgusting...figures your from toronto
I can remember in the last century whilst playing Fallout 2, thinking to myself in my own head " I bet this game goes 3D in the not so distant future ".

I was right here it is !!! Fallout has gone 3D. Hot diperdeee.
Speaking of boomer shooters, this mod is triggering those Redneck Rampage synapses, think of that what you will.