Does the NCR have a Navy or Air Force?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
No seriously. In the nearly whole century since their establishment and the amount of territory they've taken spanning from Baja, Mexico all the way up to lower Oregon. You mean to tell me they didnt find any old U.S. aircraft carriers, Frigates, Destroyers, Aegis's, or Cruisers to claim in the many open sea ports and Navy bases that is in those regions? Same with aircraft though a lot of em would be rust heaps taken by other hostile tribes. Thoughts?
No seriously. In the nearly whole century since their establishment and the amount of territory they've taken spanning from Baja, Mexico all the way up to lower Oregon. You mean to tell me they didnt find any old U.S. aircraft carriers, Frigates, Destroyers, Aegis's, or Cruisers to claim in the many open sea ports and Navy bases that is in those regions? Same with aircraft though a lot of em would be rust heaps taken by other hostile tribes. Thoughts?
Others claimed it before them, the scrap metal that is.
My guess as regards an air force is probably not. It seems difficult to imagine why something like that wouldn't have been mentioned in the game. We only ever see two aircraft used by NCR, the president's vertibird and a vertibird at Long 15. Given that vertibirds were generally considered to have been post-War enclave at the time of NV, these are fairly recent acquisitions for the NCR. My guess is that up until recently, there just wasn't all that much utility in really investing with airplanes to a great degree since they didn't really face any armies fearsome enough to warrant it. They probably have them, they use them for reconnaissance and such, but they don't devote much resource to them.

To navy - probably not just because there doesn't seem to be anyone to trade overseas with, and it doesn't seem like there would be any threats coming to them from the sea. Maybe there's raiders or BoS out on the Channel Islands but probably not.

You mean to tell me they didnt find any old U.S. aircraft carriers, Frigates, Destroyers, Aegis's, or Cruisers to claim in the many open sea ports and Navy bases that is in those regions?
Almost all major ports, harbor, shipyards and naval bases would have been nuked, those are pretty early on the list. And a huge portion of the military fleet would have been overseas to fight the war. For those that remained home, along with whatever civilian fleet - well I don't think being left unattended for a 150 years bodes terribly well for a ship's seaworthiness. Most of them sunk, most of the remainder were probably broken down for scrap. Things like the Valdez are the rare exception, not the rule.

They’ll have a fleet of sheet metal rafts mounted with Fatman mortars, I’m sure. They’ll use it to invade China or something.
Real Caligula Hours in Shady Sands
I think that they probably have a fleet of small boats but if they have an airforce it's probably 10 to 25~ vertibirds and maybe a handful of primative or rustbucket prewar planes. I doubt they would have any jets or anything considering there is no need or really the resources to support it.
My guess as regards an air force is probably not. It seems difficult to imagine why something like that wouldn't have been mentioned in the game. We only ever see two aircraft used by NCR, the president's vertibird and a vertibird at Long 15. Given that vertibirds were generally considered to have been post-War enclave at the time of NV, these are fairly recent acquisitions for the NCR. My guess is that up until recently, there just wasn't all that much utility in really investing with airplanes to a great degree since they didn't really face any armies fearsome enough to warrant it. They probably have them, they use them for reconnaissance and such, but they don't devote much resource to them.

To navy - probably not just because there doesn't seem to be anyone to trade overseas with, and it doesn't seem like there would be any threats coming to them from the sea. Maybe there's raiders or BoS out on the Channel Islands but probably not.

Almost all major ports, harbor, shipyards and naval bases would have been nuked, those are pretty early on the list. And a huge portion of the military fleet would have been overseas to fight the war. For those that remained home, along with whatever civilian fleet - well I don't think being left unattended for a 150 years bodes terribly well for a ship's seaworthiness. Most of them sunk, most of the remainder were probably broken down for scrap. Things like the Valdez are the rare exception, not the rule.

Real Caligula Hours in Shady Sands
Well that's a great point to make. Major Navy bases and sea ports likely got nuked first. but i wonder how many ships may have been a small dry docks or at sea and came back after the war and settled into and rebuilt settlements like the Chinese submarine at San Francisco. My own work for my story would at least say a small U.S. Navy fleet consisting of frigates and destroyers spent at least a year after the war at sea and came back to the ruins of Wilmington N.C's port to resettle after the war. But they become ghouls afterwards not anticipating how dangerous radiation was in the area. 35 years later theyre the first residents of the New Wilmington and the ghoulified sailors try to keep their small fleet maintained.
But if the NCR did have Navy power, laying artillery fire at Legion controlled territory from the Gulf coast would be a massive advantage. Assuming it can reach that far into Arizona or New Mexico.
Reactivating ancient surface navy warships would be a huge drain on resorces and manpower. The US navy is a blue water navy, the opposite of what the NCR would need; which is a brown-water navy for rivers, and near-coast operations. NCR doesn't have the capacity or the strategic intrest to use Carriers, they don't need to project force for thousands of miles. Coast Guard vessels have greater usage and could potentially be restored as they are less complex.
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I think any of such development would be spearheaded by The Shi scientists, in the style of old USA government private contractors. They know how to make polymer, fusion battery, and restoration of Power Armor (and they even sell you some).
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It would make sense to use boats to transport goods to settlements along the coastline, as that would be cheaper and probably safer than land caravans. And this would likely lead to piracy, which might necessitate a small navy to escort merchant ships.

The only issue with this is that, for some reason, there seem to be hardly any coastal settlements in the NCR. The only ones we know of are LA and SF. Perhaps there’s a reason that they avoid the ocean.
The only ones we know of are LA and SF.
There's also Dayglow. Though I must say, we actually have no strong reason to think that San Francisco was ever absorbed into NCR. It could be the case, but we don't know.

Perhaps there’s a reason that they avoid the ocean.
Well I think it's really quite simple - California has quite a bad coastline. It's extremely rough and mountainous all the way up to the coast except in a few places (Los Angeles, San Diego, Monterrey Bay, San Francisco Bay, and some smaller valleys of varying quality), and if you look at the map of California in the present day you will note that most of the coastline is quite empty of major settlements. There's just not much room to farm or to build out a city.

No doubt NCR does have settlements along the coastline, but these are fairly marginal. There's no reason for most of these places to substantially develop.
I am guessing a simple scenario from Fallout 2 days: No lubricant.

All machine need lubricants and aircraft engines, as well as ship machines, going to need tones of it.

No oil production that we know of... outside of Shi Empire's vines farms, that is.

If Shi is not absorbed into NCR, they would make a pretty good money exporting plant oil to lubricant-hungry NCR.
I am guessing a simple scenario from Fallout 2 days: No lubricant.

All machine need lubricants and aircraft engines, as well as ship machines, going to need tones of it.

No oil production that we know of... outside of Shi Empire's vines farms, that is.

If Shi is not absorbed into NCR, they would make a pretty good money exporting plant oil to lubricant-hungry NCR.
The best form of lubricants are synthetic tbh, so no petroleum oil is not an excuse.

Vegetables oils that can then be processed into Polyalkelene Glycol or other Alkene derived compounds are agriculture products. And IRL Americans have done wonder amount of research on making the best use of their most abundant agriculture product which are corns and soybeans.

The issue here is wether or not the Devs are comfortable with adding vehicles. So long someone like J.Sawyer or others cannot shed their phobia with mass use of vehicles, they would not be added.
Ooopsie, looks like the NCR is dead now, tee hee hee - Todd Howard as he scuttles away like a frightened crab.
The best form of lubricants are synthetic tbh, so no petroleum oil is not an excuse.

Vegetables oils that can then be processed into Polyalkelene Glycol or other Alkene derived compounds are agriculture products.

And Shi Empire produce some type of vines that can produce oil. it's how Chosen One get enough oil for the ship to move to Oil Rig, or the Hub rocket aircraft to take flight. That sound ideal materials to make new lubricants.

NCR doesnt field more aircrafts but does field locomotives (which do need lubricants). So they did make some~
It's hard to say, as we hadn't visited the NCR since the events of FO2. While the Mojave branch of the military was woefully under armed/manned (which is mentioned by Chief Hanlon), it's very likely they may have had some form of vehicles. Though, I've little hope will ever no for certain, as the future for the NCR looks rather bleak currently.
NCR doesnt field more aircrafts but does field locomotives (which do need lubricants). So they did make some~
I dream a hybrid game like Men of War/Call to Arms for Fallout, with vehicles and fps/top down mode. Vehicles are not just added, but being made so that they are closer to 1:1 scale.
I dream a hybrid game like Men of War/Call to Arms for Fallout, with vehicles and fps/top down mode. Vehicles are not just added, but being made so that they are closer to 1:1 scale.
That'd be interesting, I'd also like to see a Fallout game world the size of Kenshi.