Fallout 76: Atlantic City Expedition - Bethesda's "New Vegas"


Wasteland Peacemaker
If you ever wondered what Bethesda would have done if they made a game set in Las Vegas rather than the team at Obsidian who gave us New Vegas, then look no further than the Atlantic City update for Fallout 76.

I see this trailer and I think of towns like New Reno and the New Vegas Strip and just have to wonder how we got here. If you thought the Kings in Freeside were bad (they're not), this is far beyond the worst aspects of them.
I saw no one talk about this update on this site, which I hardly blame anyone for not caring, as even I just found out about it today. Apparently a lot of people are saying this has the New Vegas vibe they've been craving, and I really don't understand that personally. This looks like a Borderlands parody.
I also thought the Overgrown were neat at first, though they've been done already (and better) in New Vegs via Vault 22 imo. As you said, they are too human-looking as opposed to the much more unique looking Spore Carrier.

Spore Carrier.png

I also looked into gameplay of this update to see the Overgrown in action and they lazily use feral ghoul animations aside from the ones with thorn cannons that seemingly use Scorched animations.
I came by to point out that Fallout 76 is developed by BGS Austin, not by the "main" BGS. So I have to assume that if the "main" BGS made a game set in Las Vegas it would probably be quite different from that one. Although if it would be better or worse is anyone's guess. My guess is that it would be even worse.
I came by to point out that Fallout 76 is developed by BGS Austin, not by the "main" BGS. So I have to assume that if the "main" BGS made a game set in Las Vegas it would probably be quite different from that one. Although if it would be better or worse is anyone's guess. My guess is that it would be even worse.

I can confidently say that the writing for Fallout 76 has more ups than Fallout 4’s so I’m inclined to agree.
I also thought the Overgrown were neat at first, though they've been done already (and better) in New Vegs via Vault 22 imo. As you said, they are too human-looking as opposed to the much more unique looking Spore Carrier.

View attachment 28309

I also looked into gameplay of this update to see the Overgrown in action and they lazily use feral ghoul animations aside from the ones with thorn cannons that seemingly use Scorched animations.
my issue with the humaness of the overgrown is that, from the wiki article I read, it seems like there's supposed to be some ambiguity about whether these are just plants that kind of look like humans, or whether they're some kind of infected human/reanimated corpose.



I don't know how anyone could ever look at these guys and ever have any shadow of a doubt about whether or not they're human in some way. I like the idea of that ambiguity, but it's just silly with how clearly human they are. I guess it would have been too much work to actually make something interesting and uncanny looking that would raise a doubt in our minds.
The pictures didn't upload correctly, but yeah I agree there's no room for ambiguity with them. They are clearly inspired in design by DC's Swamp Thing whereas they should look more like Marvel's Man-Thing if they wanted ambiguity of origin.
Now that I read the wiki, the Overgrown seem to be similar to mutants I had planned for New York City.
The pictures didn't upload correctly, but yeah I agree there's no room for ambiguity with them. They are clearly inspired in design by DC's Swamp Thing whereas they should look more like Marvel's Man-Thing if they wanted ambiguity of origin.
Yeah, it definitely looks copied inspired by DC's Swamp Thing. Using an edited Mirelurk King 3D model from FO3.
How this game is still profitable enough to still get new content like five years after its release (and specially after that horrendous launch and that year after launch) is beyond me.
I think that it's pretty interesting question.

ActivePlayer estimates that they have a bit over 8 million players monthly, down from 10 millions at the beginning of 2023

76 earns money in 3 ways- initial purchase, 10$ premium mode subscription and the item/cosmetic store.

It's available on consoles, Steam and through Gamepass.

Bethesda stopped publishing 76 sales at the end of 2018 after they reported 1,4 million sales total.

The only data we have available now is Steam, with 2,9 million copies sold and around 7000-12000 average daily players.

I don't think they're making anything from people playing through Gamepass.

Let's say that they have 30 000 dedicated players across all platforms that log in every day to farm legendary items, do daily quests, etc.

Let's estimate that 1/3 of them pays for subscription and half of them spend at least 6$ in the store.
It totals around 190 000$ which feels very low to me, so I either underestimate their spending or they have some very large whales that keep the whole thing afloat.