So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

We should at least see enough about the Brotherhood to know that somebody actually believes in - whatever they actually believe - in the first season. A story shouldn't leave practically every thread dangling except the two big twists that happened in the past and ruined the entire franchise.
Ultimately we know practically nothing about the players, whether they're side characters or factions, except that the Brotherhood is hoarding technology and Moldaver's faction (which we don't even get the name for) wants the core to build - something. I don't think the word "Enclave" comes up once either. They're the inciting incident for the whole season and they're gone when Wilzig flees the compound.
Ultimately we know practically nothing about the players, whether they're side characters or factions, except that the Brotherhood is hoarding technology and Moldaver's faction (which we don't even get the name for) wants the core to build - something. I don't think the word "Enclave" comes up once either. They're the inciting incident for the whole season and they're gone when Wilzig flees the compound.