Vault Dweller

There's a lot of them, and if this show is going to be canon with the games, then it only makes sense to catalogue the retcons as evidence why the show is a steaming pile.
This OP will be updated as needed.
A few I can recall relatively well.
#1 - Vault 33, as well as 32 and 31, being in The Boneyard, close to where The Master's Cathedral was in Fallout 1, and yet he never broke the Vaults open and made everyone inside into Super Mutants when that was the case for other Vaults around Cali.
EDIT: Not quite in The Boneyard, but west of it. Still very close to the Cathedral so The Master would've found them.
#2 - The Enclave being back again, despite being wiped out in Fallout 2 by The Chosen One.
#3 - Vault-Tec being implied to have dropped the bombs first, despite Tim Cain saying it was the Chinese who had done so first. As well as Vault-Tec now being a mega corporation instead of a defense contractor, because CaPiTaLiSm BaD gUiZe.
#4 - Cold Fusion and the Control Vaults. Cold Fusion was in Fallout 1's manual as part of the GECK that the control vaults had. Making Moldaver the creator of the tech? Only done to assist "The Message" of the series.
#5 - The Ghoul Zombrex. We know Bethesda is trying to retcon that into the IP with the newest Fallout 76 update, so not only were they thinking about it for quite a while, but it affects their games too.
#6 - The T-45b/T-60 chest area 'weakness' - This is something the military, and by extension the Brotherhood, would've caught in stress testing of the Power Armor, and in the case of the military, used as an excuse to not fund development. If a new pistol is being offered as the sidearm for infantry units, and during testing it jams or doesn't eject right, that's grounds to disqualify it as a candidate for consideration.
EDIT #1: Retcons noticed by @Bradylama (
- Vault 4 didn't exist in Fallout 1, despite being within the area where the Vault Dweller could travel.
- No mention of China for the Sino-American War, just mentions of the United States and its "adversaries".
- Sinclair being in the conspiracy meetup as a representative of BigMT, even though BigMT is a research center, not a company, and Sinclair was just using their technology.
- Repconn being in the meetup with a representative, even though they're owned by Rob-Co and thus wouldn't have a representative.
- Gulpers being Axolotl-Human hybrids instead of mutated salamanders, as well as being creations of Vault 4.
- No mentions of the NCR, despite the show taking place in their territory, notably around The Boneyard. Few signs of organized life as well, even though the NCR rebuilt the Boneyard over the years.
EDIT #2: More retcons
- The PipBoy and the Geiger Counter. Originally, the PipBoy didn't have a Geiger Counter built in. The Vault Dweller, Chosen One, and The Initiate had to use an external Wattz Electronics one to detect their level of RADs and how irradiated an area was. Bethesda built them into the PipBoy from Fallout 3 onwards, and Obsidian had to use it for New Vegas, but when Lucy is using the PipBoy, the counter is not an auto-detection system, but an activated one.
Useful for getting some cheap 'Oh, shit' scenes at best.
- 'They Fly Now!' - Power Armor never could fly like the Iron Man suit. The closest we got was the Jetpack in Fallout 4, and even that is pushing it for a suit that weighs at least a ton and wasn't designed for flight.
- Ghouls Being Bullet Sponges - Cooper eating several bullets in the back and barely flinching doesn't line up with how Ghouls work. They're not Legendary Difficulty, Fully Armored Gunner at Level 50 levels of tough.
- Haves and Have-Nots - This is a HUGE retcon to Fallout, the Vaults, and more. Outside of the control vaults, of which there were 17 of 112, living in a Vault was pretty much guaranteed to be unusual, rough, dangerous, or potentially lethal. It had nothing to do with having money and influence; those people could build their own Vaults/shelters easily, like how Sinclair did with the Madre's Vault. This is just more of 'The Message' meant to move the themes of the IP away from conflict and its inevitability.
- Shady Sands' Fall in 2277 - This one is obvious. If Shady Sands fell, even if not to a nuke, it retcons a lot of dialogue from New Vegas where people were saying the city was fine but suffering from several issues born from the NCR's greed and expansionism.
- "As it turned out, I was 20 hours short." - If Mr. House was in on the plan, however slim or stupid it was, that Vault-Tec was going to launch nukes first, why did he not get the Platinum Chip in time, or have its creation fast-tracked to ensure his defenses were ready?
This OP will be updated as needed.
A few I can recall relatively well.
#1 - Vault 33, as well as 32 and 31, being in The Boneyard, close to where The Master's Cathedral was in Fallout 1, and yet he never broke the Vaults open and made everyone inside into Super Mutants when that was the case for other Vaults around Cali.
EDIT: Not quite in The Boneyard, but west of it. Still very close to the Cathedral so The Master would've found them.
#2 - The Enclave being back again, despite being wiped out in Fallout 2 by The Chosen One.
#3 - Vault-Tec being implied to have dropped the bombs first, despite Tim Cain saying it was the Chinese who had done so first. As well as Vault-Tec now being a mega corporation instead of a defense contractor, because CaPiTaLiSm BaD gUiZe.
#4 - Cold Fusion and the Control Vaults. Cold Fusion was in Fallout 1's manual as part of the GECK that the control vaults had. Making Moldaver the creator of the tech? Only done to assist "The Message" of the series.
#5 - The Ghoul Zombrex. We know Bethesda is trying to retcon that into the IP with the newest Fallout 76 update, so not only were they thinking about it for quite a while, but it affects their games too.
#6 - The T-45b/T-60 chest area 'weakness' - This is something the military, and by extension the Brotherhood, would've caught in stress testing of the Power Armor, and in the case of the military, used as an excuse to not fund development. If a new pistol is being offered as the sidearm for infantry units, and during testing it jams or doesn't eject right, that's grounds to disqualify it as a candidate for consideration.
EDIT #1: Retcons noticed by @Bradylama (
- Vault 4 didn't exist in Fallout 1, despite being within the area where the Vault Dweller could travel.
- No mention of China for the Sino-American War, just mentions of the United States and its "adversaries".
- Sinclair being in the conspiracy meetup as a representative of BigMT, even though BigMT is a research center, not a company, and Sinclair was just using their technology.
- Repconn being in the meetup with a representative, even though they're owned by Rob-Co and thus wouldn't have a representative.
- Gulpers being Axolotl-Human hybrids instead of mutated salamanders, as well as being creations of Vault 4.
- No mentions of the NCR, despite the show taking place in their territory, notably around The Boneyard. Few signs of organized life as well, even though the NCR rebuilt the Boneyard over the years.
EDIT #2: More retcons
- The PipBoy and the Geiger Counter. Originally, the PipBoy didn't have a Geiger Counter built in. The Vault Dweller, Chosen One, and The Initiate had to use an external Wattz Electronics one to detect their level of RADs and how irradiated an area was. Bethesda built them into the PipBoy from Fallout 3 onwards, and Obsidian had to use it for New Vegas, but when Lucy is using the PipBoy, the counter is not an auto-detection system, but an activated one.
Useful for getting some cheap 'Oh, shit' scenes at best.
- 'They Fly Now!' - Power Armor never could fly like the Iron Man suit. The closest we got was the Jetpack in Fallout 4, and even that is pushing it for a suit that weighs at least a ton and wasn't designed for flight.
- Ghouls Being Bullet Sponges - Cooper eating several bullets in the back and barely flinching doesn't line up with how Ghouls work. They're not Legendary Difficulty, Fully Armored Gunner at Level 50 levels of tough.
- Haves and Have-Nots - This is a HUGE retcon to Fallout, the Vaults, and more. Outside of the control vaults, of which there were 17 of 112, living in a Vault was pretty much guaranteed to be unusual, rough, dangerous, or potentially lethal. It had nothing to do with having money and influence; those people could build their own Vaults/shelters easily, like how Sinclair did with the Madre's Vault. This is just more of 'The Message' meant to move the themes of the IP away from conflict and its inevitability.
- Shady Sands' Fall in 2277 - This one is obvious. If Shady Sands fell, even if not to a nuke, it retcons a lot of dialogue from New Vegas where people were saying the city was fine but suffering from several issues born from the NCR's greed and expansionism.
- "As it turned out, I was 20 hours short." - If Mr. House was in on the plan, however slim or stupid it was, that Vault-Tec was going to launch nukes first, why did he not get the Platinum Chip in time, or have its creation fast-tracked to ensure his defenses were ready?
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