Which patch/mod should I pick for a faithfufl experience of the first Fallout?


First time out of the vault
Hello, I havent posted here for years and I heard about the Et tu patch that brings Fallout 1 into Fallout 2 engine.However there are things I am not sure i agree with(game balance, new weapons) so I am looking for something that would alow me to play a faitfhul experience, while also fixing bugged endings(followers of apocalypse and hub, I remmber that Fixt did that), allowing you to dismiss Dogmeat(you couldn't do it in the original game)and fixing bugs without altering the game balance nor bringing new content like new weapons.

Should I go for the Fixt, pick the Et tu or something else?
Fixt was sadly not updated for a long time, so I'd recommend Et Tu.

It's very customisable, so you can just choose not to install the things you've listed.
If you want faithful then play it straight with no mods. Enjoy the timeless classic of Ian and dogmeat body blocking you and wonder why you didn't install et tu
Fallout et tu brings in new weapons. For a more original experience you could try fixit. Then you could replay or go to et tu when you feel like.
If you want faithful then play it straight with no mods. Enjoy the timeless classic of Ian and dogmeat body blocking you and wonder why you didn't install et tu
Lol! Fixit adds cuss dialogues.
Edit: I mean you can shout at companions to move away
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I recommend playing it out of the box from GoG if you want the 100% purist experience but with higher resolutions.

Unless you know how to configure Et Tu or get someone to give you the configs for a full purist Et Tu, I think the way to see Et Tu is as an expansion pack, its FO1+ with all the bells and whistles from FO2. Its ideal for a second play I think.

I do not recommend Fixt myself, its considered depreciated, and it has a certain lack of purism, partly due to using content from the TeamX patches.
I recommend playing it out of the box from GoG if you want the 100% purist experience but with higher resolutions.

Unless you know how to configure Et Tu or get someone to give you the configs for a full purist Et Tu, I think the way to see Et Tu is as an expansion pack, its FO1+ with all the bells and whistles from FO2. Its ideal for a second play I think.

I do not recommend Fixt myself, its considered depreciated, and it has a certain lack of purism, partly due to using content from the TeamX patches.

But the teamx x fixes themselves are mostly bugfixes right?I checked the changelogs of the teamx patches and they mostly mention bug fixes.Regarding the Fixt, I remmber problems related to being blocked in MLariposa if you enlist the help of the brotherhood, and not being able to join the BoS if you do not pick the good answer right from start.
But the teamx x fixes themselves are mostly bugfixes right?I checked the changelogs of the teamx patches and they mostly mention bug fixes.Regarding the Fixt, I remmber problems related to being blocked in MLariposa if you enlist the help of the brotherhood, and not being able to join the BoS if you do not pick the good answer right from start.

AFAIK Team X patches also add some stuff and items in places they weren't. And FIXT is built off the TeamX patches.

@Lexx has the details
Do you remember where those new dialogues are? The last time I played with Fixit in 2018, I didn't meet any new dialogues, except for the restored cut content(spy quest)
Very late reply. But I meant fixit lets you yell at companions if they are blocking your way. It was unexpected and relatable.