First time out of the vault

So recently I started replaying Fallout 3 through the Tales of Two Wastelands mod for the first time in over a decade. Now that I'm no longer 16, I definitely understand the massive amount of hate levied at this game. I'm not even that far in and I've already decided to stop playing it.
(Totally not worth the fuck around that was installing that cursed mod)
Everything about the game just infuriates me to all hell - Especially the characters. The last thing I did in this game was reach Galaxy New Radio - And that's where one character in particular stands out as especially badly written and obnoxious: Three Dog.
Not only is his radio personality completely misfitting within the setting, he is incredibly preachy as well as being a hypocrite, an idiot and a complete poser arm chair "activist".
"Oh wow man I'm such a rebel standing up for the little guy! Sitting in my ivory tower protected by a xenophobic militia of techno-fetishists hording all the tech! Wow, man I'm such a voice for the downtrodden! Let me blackmail the protagonist into doing my dirty work because even though I fight the good fight I actually only do things quid pro quo! THREEEEEEEEEE-DAWWWWWG! WOOF WOOOF WOOOF!"
Three Dog lives in an impenetrable fortress preaching about how 'ghouls are people too' while his techno-cult terrorist buddies kill all ghouls they come across without exception. Even in Fallout 3, the goody two shoes version of the brotherhood still hate ghouls, killing them whenever encountered (In Underworld an NPC tells you as much) yet Three Dog has no problem working with them as long as they protect him.
Now, if the game was actually well written or clever, and ACKNOWLEDGED this fact, that might be interesting and deep. Like, if there was a way you could convince him he was a hypocrite and not to work with the brotherhood of steel - Or even if he didn't KNOW the brotherhood did things like that and you could show him the proof and convince him to seek protection by Reilly's Rangers instead.
Or, he could be completely irredeemable, and a commentary on fake activists or a statement about journalistic integrity and how the media misrepresents itself.
But of course, this is Fallout 3 - So Three Dog is a good guy, and the Brotherhood are also good guys - Despite the fact that they are still mostly ambivalent towards everyone else in the wasteland and distribute the water for their own gain. Three Dog is basically a propagandist for a xenophobic technology hoarding and authoritarian terror cell who are occupying the DC ruins as its self proclaimed rulers.
Then, to add insult to injury, he's perfectly happy sending you on a fucking suicide mission to repair a radar dish because "he has to stay here and fight the good fight" (????). He's not cool, he's not subversive - He's just a fucking idiot and a hypocrite.
He's like a wannabe anarchist podcaster whose entire show is about "smashing the state" and "ACAB" and being against government oppression and racial discrimination - But he streams from the headquarters of the fucking FBI and lives with Lockheed Martin CEO father.
What makes him even worse is that his voice actor seems like the most obnoxious self important ass hat ever - Begging Amazon to put him in the show, getting angry every time Bethesda (And Obsidian) don't return his desperate phone calls about coming back in sequels and generally acting like his character is such an integral part of the franchise - Even though he was literally just a radio DJ in the second worst game in the franchise
Dude is lucky he got the role at all, considering he's a washed up-never-was who's most known role prior to this was as a gangster in Homicide Life on The Streets, a TV show as old as Fallout 1.
So yeah, sorry; Rant over. Had to get that off my chest. Even though I was already finding the game a terrible slog but meeting Three Dog was the point in the game where I realized I was completely done.
Unrelated Side Note: I honestly can't believe people who claim that New Vegas "Doesn't any content" and is "empty" compared to Fallout 3 - An objectively false statement for a game with about 15 side-quests in total - Compared to New Vegas, which has like, 50 or 60+ at least. Rose tinted glasses are a hell of a drug.
(Totally not worth the fuck around that was installing that cursed mod)
Everything about the game just infuriates me to all hell - Especially the characters. The last thing I did in this game was reach Galaxy New Radio - And that's where one character in particular stands out as especially badly written and obnoxious: Three Dog.
Not only is his radio personality completely misfitting within the setting, he is incredibly preachy as well as being a hypocrite, an idiot and a complete poser arm chair "activist".
"Oh wow man I'm such a rebel standing up for the little guy! Sitting in my ivory tower protected by a xenophobic militia of techno-fetishists hording all the tech! Wow, man I'm such a voice for the downtrodden! Let me blackmail the protagonist into doing my dirty work because even though I fight the good fight I actually only do things quid pro quo! THREEEEEEEEEE-DAWWWWWG! WOOF WOOOF WOOOF!"
Three Dog lives in an impenetrable fortress preaching about how 'ghouls are people too' while his techno-cult terrorist buddies kill all ghouls they come across without exception. Even in Fallout 3, the goody two shoes version of the brotherhood still hate ghouls, killing them whenever encountered (In Underworld an NPC tells you as much) yet Three Dog has no problem working with them as long as they protect him.
Now, if the game was actually well written or clever, and ACKNOWLEDGED this fact, that might be interesting and deep. Like, if there was a way you could convince him he was a hypocrite and not to work with the brotherhood of steel - Or even if he didn't KNOW the brotherhood did things like that and you could show him the proof and convince him to seek protection by Reilly's Rangers instead.
Or, he could be completely irredeemable, and a commentary on fake activists or a statement about journalistic integrity and how the media misrepresents itself.
But of course, this is Fallout 3 - So Three Dog is a good guy, and the Brotherhood are also good guys - Despite the fact that they are still mostly ambivalent towards everyone else in the wasteland and distribute the water for their own gain. Three Dog is basically a propagandist for a xenophobic technology hoarding and authoritarian terror cell who are occupying the DC ruins as its self proclaimed rulers.
Then, to add insult to injury, he's perfectly happy sending you on a fucking suicide mission to repair a radar dish because "he has to stay here and fight the good fight" (????). He's not cool, he's not subversive - He's just a fucking idiot and a hypocrite.
He's like a wannabe anarchist podcaster whose entire show is about "smashing the state" and "ACAB" and being against government oppression and racial discrimination - But he streams from the headquarters of the fucking FBI and lives with Lockheed Martin CEO father.
What makes him even worse is that his voice actor seems like the most obnoxious self important ass hat ever - Begging Amazon to put him in the show, getting angry every time Bethesda (And Obsidian) don't return his desperate phone calls about coming back in sequels and generally acting like his character is such an integral part of the franchise - Even though he was literally just a radio DJ in the second worst game in the franchise
Dude is lucky he got the role at all, considering he's a washed up-never-was who's most known role prior to this was as a gangster in Homicide Life on The Streets, a TV show as old as Fallout 1.
So yeah, sorry; Rant over. Had to get that off my chest. Even though I was already finding the game a terrible slog but meeting Three Dog was the point in the game where I realized I was completely done.
Unrelated Side Note: I honestly can't believe people who claim that New Vegas "Doesn't any content" and is "empty" compared to Fallout 3 - An objectively false statement for a game with about 15 side-quests in total - Compared to New Vegas, which has like, 50 or 60+ at least. Rose tinted glasses are a hell of a drug.
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