Still Mildly Glowing

I have the uncanny ability to spot a furry based off their art style.
What? Rags? The dog? Yeah he's a furry, kind of, so what?I have the uncanny ability to spot a furry based off their art style.
Nothing, I was just saying I can tell.What? Rags? The dog? Yeah he's a furry, kind of, so what?
Why is that the thing you reply to me with?He's got rule34 if you're into that kinda stuff.
funniWhy is that the thing you reply to me with?![]()
Which is what makes it really odd when you watch his Fallout TV show review. Right there at the beginning, you have a tranny. Then you start to notice that every single couple is interracial. The only exception would be Lucy's parents in the flashbacks, but hey, at least she has the good sense to leave the white guy for the off-white lesbian. Oh, wait, how about that Cooper Howard guy in the flashbacks? He's preached to a diverse crew of communists, and once he starts to figure out they're right, he's rewarded by getting to lose his white skin. And then there's the nonstop communist anti-capitalist messaging stuff, which is brought to you by two of the largest corporations in the actual world.Critical Drinker always points out when there are diverse characters and frequently harps on about media trying to convey "THE MESSAGE" instead of trying just write goos stuff. He's not wrong to some extent, but also goes on about that way too much.
I would like to give the writers of the show a little bit of the benefit of the doubt and hope the intention wasn't to cast a black guy as Maximus because he was such an awful character. If they wrote that character with the intention of casting a black guy, then it's kind of hard not to question how racist the writers actually are. Maximus is pretty much an amoral character, not immoral, amoral. He's also extremely dimwitted. Creetosis's videos on the show pretty much nailed it saying his character "tard rages". As a character, he was just awful.Who is supposed to feel represented by Maximus? He's practically a new innovation on Step 'n Fetchit minstrelry. That character could have easily been played by anybody, yet they chose to cast him as the only black man in the main cast? Yet I've seen nobody else make this take because they're so bedazzled by the production and acting. The performance of inclusion and diversity has given an ironically more racist impression than Hollywood had in the 90s.
I think you're giving the writers way too much credit.Before eugenics was discredited by the Nazis it was the accepted mainstream belief of both Liberals and Socialists. It's not at all a contradiction that Vault-Tec are liberal eugenicists.
The angle I've heard recently is that Critical Drinker is trying to get in to show business, but I don't recall what aspect of it, but other people have commented on how he's changed lately with his reviews. His review was very out of character. He had a show shortly afterwards with Archcast and a few others who dressed him down for his review and he let them crap all over the show without really commenting on any of it. I haven't seen Sterling's review of the Fallout TV show, but I'm replying about how interestingly out of character some of the positive reviews of the show are.It's fucking wild how Sterling builds a whole career off of highlighting all the cynical business practices in the gaming industry, but when it comes to a thing they like suddenly none of that matters.
Maybe it's because you have a cat avatar?Why is that the thing you reply to me with?![]()
Just like Fallout 3, over time people will be more critical of it & realize its flaws, yet another example of history repeating itself huh?I think "THE MESSAGE" guy didn't comment on it because it all didn't feel that much on the nose. He mostly comments on this sort of stuff when it feels it's forced in and makes the story worse. Here it doesn't really add or detract anything since it's all in there without specific purpose. Like, sure, you can see it as "Cooper gets to shed his white skin after agreeing with the communists", but really, that's trying to see layers where there are none. All the characters are interchangeable and there isn't really any "THE MESSAGE" to complain about because nothing hinges on the gender or race of any character, and nothing is ever mentioned.
As such I'm not surprised he didn't really complain about that, he usually doesn't dig deep into that and mostly just complains when it's shoved down your throat.
I can see how people not invested in Fallout or fans of Fallout 3 and 4 would like the show on first watch, since its perfectly dumb fun. However, I think we'll see people's reactions get more lukewarm on rewatch. I'm already seeing people tell me they're rewatching it and how they forgot all about Maximus, and now they're just skipping all his scenes because he's just so awful. The novelty wears off, and people start to see more of the flaws.
The angle I've heard recently is that Critical Drinker is trying to get in to show business, but I don't recall what aspect of it, but other people have commented on how he's changed lately with his reviews. His review was very out of character. He had a show shortly afterwards with Archcast and a few others who dressed him down for his review and he let them crap all over the show without really commenting on any of it. I haven't seen Sterling's review of the Fallout TV show, but I'm replying about how interestingly out of character some of the positive reviews of the show are.
I would like to give the writers of the show a little bit of the benefit of the doubt and hope the intention wasn't to cast a black guy as Maximus because he was such an awful character.
Like, sure, you can see it as "Cooper gets to shed his white skin after agreeing with the communists", but really, that's trying to see layers where there are none. All the characters are interchangeable and there isn't really any "THE MESSAGE" to complain about because nothing hinges on the gender or race of any character, and nothing is ever mentioned.
Fallout 4 has taken a harder nose dive than Fallout 3 has taken. When Fallout 4 came out, it was racking up rave reviews right and left. Around the time Fallout 76 came out and was a disaster, you started to see a lot of people bringing up how lackluster Fallout 4 was while slamming Fallout 76. Which is really odd, because I've noticed articles on gaming sites after the Fallout TV show saying things like, "Fallout 76 was always good." Huh?Just like Fallout 3, over time people will be more critical of it & realize its flaws, yet another example of history repeating itself huh?
I think it's fairly obvious they don't know what Ghouls are. Even from episode to episode, they're not consistent on Ghouls. The Ghoul serum that the squire gets injected with instantly healing his foot and the arrow in the neck not being fatal just doesn't mesh with any lore established at all. You have one episode where Cooper is a bullet sponge and then later on, they're mowing down feral ghouls with a pistol. People play it off as "It's just like the games!", but it's not. Not at all, because you have that supposed "game logic" in one episode, and then something more realistic in a similar situation the next episode. It's horribly inconsistent in so many areas.Intentional or not the outcome is the same, which is why it's so ironic. It's a literal example of liberal color blindness reproducing racist tropes despite its anti-racist assumptions. It also ties in to why making the ghouls a cannibal ticking time bomb is racist: the writers simply don't understand the material.
I'd argue he does, and if you want to ignore exactly how stupid that meeting scene was and take it's events on their face, it's hard to blame him. He's processing the events of that meeting and having trouble focusing on the world around him. That's acceptance in action.Cooper never actually agrees with the "communists" and the communists aren't even communist, they're simply "sane." The division of the world is therefore between the sane rationalists and the insane idealists; which leads directly into the anti-political stance the show has on factions and their mere existence.
I'd argue he does, and if you want to ignore exactly how stupid that meeting scene was and take it's events on their face, it's hard to blame him. He's processing the events of that meeting and having trouble focusing on the world around him. That's acceptance in action.
Also, yes, they're communists. The not very subtle insinuation is that only communists are sane.
His names Murray, and he's my pet cat. It's not just some random furry image.Maybe it's because you have a cat avatar?![]()
Fallout 4 has taken a harder nose dive than Fallout 3 has taken. When Fallout 4 came out, it was racking up rave reviews right and left. Around the time Fallout 76 came out and was a disaster, you started to see a lot of people bringing up how lackluster Fallout 4 was while slamming Fallout 76. Which is really odd, because I've noticed articles on gaming sites after the Fallout TV show saying things like, "Fallout 76 was always good." Huh?