Supreme Shah Ismail

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  • T
    I can't believe you thought I got butthurt about what you said on Discord. I didn't even know you actually said anything until a little bit ago. See I know you bro. You don't have to KNOW things if you know the person. Just wanted to clarify that.
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    Reactions: Supreme Shah Ismail
    No, wonder you messaged and apologized. People probably said "That's a pussy move talking shit about someone behind their back" haha. :)
    Supreme Shah Ismail
    Supreme Shah Ismail
    Nah I thought you would think that haha most people didn't really comment, dont want to seem like the guy has to talk shit behind someones back so I tried to walk back on that pussy shit on my end. I felt it was a bit childish on my part so why not apologize right? This sort of thing shouldn't have gotten as bad as it did. Thankfully its all good now.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    You have to kiss now.
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