Recent content by Supreme Shah Ismail

  1. Supreme Shah Ismail

    So how come people at NMA don't want to make their own kinda Fallout spiritual successor?

    The short of it is there is many many issues when it comes to non professional fan projects. Actual studios indie and AAA have many issues getting most games made, a lot of games are cancelled and you either don't hear about them or you do. Generally there's a reason most fan games or fan...
  2. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Thoughts on Half-Life 2 and Portal 2 (or Valve games in general)?

    HL 1 and 2 plus the episodes are some of the best shooters and games out there. Shame were probably (Idk if Valve really cares anymore) never getting a conclusion. I like portal 1/2 quite a lot but im not much of a puzzle game guy so it was the story,aesthetic and characters that drove me...
  3. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Nah I thought you would think that haha most people didn't really comment, dont want to seem...

    Nah I thought you would think that haha most people didn't really comment, dont want to seem like the guy has to talk shit behind someones back so I tried to walk back on that pussy shit on my end. I felt it was a bit childish on my part so why not apologize right? This sort of thing shouldn't...
  4. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Sequels that are at least debatbly better than their predecessors? (All genres and mediums)

    I found it hard to follow some sentences so I assumed it was not his primary language which is fine mind you, better than assuming he was dumb or something. Again your free to disagree but the fact you are so hostile about it means your clearly upset over nothing. How does this in any sense...
  5. Supreme Shah Ismail

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Bioshock infinite again, maybe deus ex soon after then I will play yakuza 0 and dying light. pc port is bad, good game but I had issues play it on ps4 please.
  6. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Sequels that are at least debatbly better than their predecessors? (All genres and mediums)

    1. Its not that your treating it too harsh, your enjoyment of a game does not effect my enjoyment of the game. We can disagree but no one is wrong in a fairly subjective belief. I very much pitty the person who thinks games are objective. I am fair to criticize your response to myself you know...
  7. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Sequels that are at least debatbly better than their predecessors? (All genres and mediums)

    Er I like doom1/2 as much as the next guy (I actually spent most of math class junior year playing it while I was bored out of my fucking mind) but I think your over blowing it a bit much. DOOM 4 is certainly much harder on its higher settings obviously but like doom1/2 is really not that hard...
  8. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Sequels that are at least debatbly better than their predecessors? (All genres and mediums)

    Told you Id rustle some feathers with that opinion :D Oh yeah and AVP2 is better than AVP1 by a good measure (avp1 is good but very dated and plays more like doom if anything) Also agreed Predator 2 was meh last I watched but Predators was far far better edit: I dont think alien or aliens are...
  9. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Sequels that are at least debatbly better than their predecessors? (All genres and mediums)

    System shock 2, Mass effect 2, Wasteland 2, Aliens and now to be extremely controversial Wolf a new order and DOOM 2016. Also I still say fallout 3 is better than 4, coming from someone who doesn't have a seething hatred for bethesda and the newer games. edit: Dark souls, God of war 2018...
  10. Supreme Shah Ismail

    How many content creators have we here?

    Ive made a few small projects a few times but nothing ever big or I would share publicly to play because they were probably not too fun to play for 5 minutes because they were experimental or learning processes for me.
  11. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    While the "game of the year" may be as good as people say it is, more often that not the games that are slept on tend to be the true gems. See: Prey/Prey Mooncrash, Vampyr, Alien Isolation, and etc
  12. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    AAA doesn't equate to bad or greedy or shallow
  13. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    A game being overrated or over hyped by fans isnt a reason to knock it. Judge it by its own merits instead of judigng it by the frothing horde of ferals.
  14. Supreme Shah Ismail

    great youtube channels

    Keepet classy, casually explained (popular as hell but still really funny), brain4breakfast (history/politics what not), errant signal, extra credits, gggmanlives, noah caldwell gervais, super bunnyhop, mark brown most of those are games related
  15. Supreme Shah Ismail

    Bethesda Vs Black Isle/Obsidian

    I dont know whats the value or point of asking this here? Your going to get a very one sided answer and opinion based on the general views of most of the users here. Obsidian does stories/writing/choice very well and makes good games. They haven't always been successful in making fully...