Recent content by AlbinoGiraffe

  1. AlbinoGiraffe

    Racial Perk List *NEW PERKS*

    The purpose of these perks is to add new play-styles to seemingly linear races. Before, if you were to pick any other race besides human; you would be shoehorned into playing a combat-oriented character. These perks are intended to be implemented in tandem with my Racial TRAIT list...
  2. AlbinoGiraffe

    Racial Trait List *ORIGINAL* (Nightkin, Glowing Ones, Cyber-dogs)

    I'm starting to think there is too much information. No one wants to read a book to create a character. I've noticed that fallout fans tend to be very biased to a single game, therefore I've tried to include as much lore (semi-lore) from all games.
  3. AlbinoGiraffe

    Racial Trait List *ORIGINAL* (Nightkin, Glowing Ones, Cyber-dogs)

    Reworked traits and "enhancements." Enhancements function as a game mechanic to allow robots and dogs to use conventional weaponry. New race traits function as a way to help differentiate builds of the same race with sub-species. Traits are no longer basic; "here is an upside, here is a...