Recent content by AlexFeature

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    Escape from Necropolis (Fallout in Dungeons)

    This is a very cool idea. I think the atmosphere will be great and the whole exploration aspect of it will be quite rewarding. I hope you have the patience to do all those destroyed malls, hospitals factories and such mate. The best of luck to you.
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Thanks for your comments guys. I'll have a look at that publisher's site. Definitely worth a shot. There is some more stuff getting finished, including some new concept art. If you are interested in seeing it, let me know and I will gladly post it. Laters.
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Progress...I think Hey Guys, It's been a while since my last visit. I doubt any one here missed me though :D We are still hard at work on this thing, well most of us anyway. I was looking through some screens from our test builds and thought I would share a few of them with you. These...
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Thanks guys! The main goal for this first game is to get our feet wet in the role-playing aspect of things. There will not be a lot of content in terms of exploration and the 'action' part is not what you would expect from a game of this genre. It's not a FSP though :) What we ultimately...
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Hi Guys, I know it's been a while since our last update. We're working hard on the game though :) It's not Postworld yet...but it is a game that will introduce our universe and slowly draw players in to the main story. There will be some roleplay and lots of shit to shoot. Postworld is...
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    IGN previews Fallout: New Vegas

    I found a funny response to that article on IGN. (wasn't hard to find it it was the last one posted :)) Kids these days!
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Yet another update Hey Guys, There is a small update on our blog. I'll try to post a bigger update soon but for now this is all I got for you guys. Your comments and criticism are welcome as always, so don't be shy let it out :) Here are the goodies. You can thank me later for saving...
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    Fallout Online Website Launched

    Just when I though nothing would top Valve's 'surprise' this year. :obsessed:
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    Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer

    Never saw the original trailer. Anyway, who knows maybe NV will be better than I think.
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    Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer

    Not a single line of dialog....not a single one. This is an RPG ffs why do they only show the gun play. Don't answer that. I know, cause kids like shit blown up. It's probably not fair to draw conclusions from this vid but it looks to me like the whole "we got people from the originals...
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    Fallout: New Vegas Gameplay

    Despite the retarded control system and other standard GTA crap....Vice City was by far the best game in the franchise. It's entirely possible that NV will be like Vice City....horrible animations, even worse controls, utterly outdated engine.....brilliant gameplay in a stylish, well though...
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    Postworld Update

    Well not right now. Since this is only a tech demo there is not too much work in that department. We will need help developing various locations and characters once we start working on the core content though. For now we are only looking for 2D artists. There is a lot of concept work that...
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    Postworld Update

    It certainly does. We have a fall-back plan case this shit tanks we will remake Dangerous Dave 2.
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    Postworld Update

    :D of course you are.
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    Postworld Update

    That's the plan. Not to give away the farm to early the whole thing will be something like: Mad Max and Postman meet the guy from I'm Legend and kick Eli's ass while looking for the Vault and trying to stay off the Road. Or there about.