Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/4KhM3jVehVo&hl=pl_PL&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed>

As much dialogue as in the FNV one.
Well, didn't looked that bad to me, compared to what Fallout 3 is. At least better than Fallout 3.
It looks like there are many "super weapons" in the game. Not only Helios One.
I think that those rockets at the end, are something like B.O.M.B. station only kinda on earth.

Also I`m pleased of variety of shown creatures. And IIRC all of them were new (at least in comparison to F3).
The two rockets are looking a bit silly to me, btw.

And if the plant thing is really the Nursery or something similar with same background, it would be shit. Looks to me as if they want to throw as much various content as possible into the game, in Fallout 3 style...
The scene with killed mantis is definitely entrance to the Vault surrounded with allot of plants. Strange.
Looks like it might be the Glock plasma pistol from FO1 and 2. It doesn't have the scope, but it might be available as a mod.
I actually liked the trailer. And keep in mind, a trailer with dialogue instead of mindless violence -> not as much copies sold.
I sound like a F3 hateboy now but it actually looks alot better than F3. Already. The Crucification was pretty bad ass :D The good ol' F1&F2 kind of controversy :)
Ausir said:
Looks like it might be the Glock plasma pistol from FO1 and 2. It doesn't have the scope, but it might be available as a mod.

Man, you see details where I haven't seen any yet.

I just compared it to the original one and yes, it does look somewhat familiar.

Let's hope it's true and we will see more old friends. City-Killer? "Real" 10mm SMG? .223 DKS sniper rifle?

It's not 100% identical but close enough to be a "re-imagining" of the same gun. Or maybe e.g. Glock 90 instead of Glock 86. Definitely the same series anyways.

Also, isn't the model a reskin of the 10mm pistol? This would explain the differences.
Could be possible, that they used the 10mm pistol as base, but its definitive not only reskinned.

Also I wonder, if we will see ghouls here. :>

Btw. I made a bunch of screenshots.

Hope we will get better quality stuff 'soon'.
Looks fun, I like the look of the new weapons (that Grenade Machinegun can gtfo though).

I wasn't really expecting a trailer full of dialogue, for obvious reasons - because that won't sell the game. The target audience are FPS fans so they want to see as much action as possible.

The way the rockets took off looked a bit funny to me. :lol: