Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer


First time out of the vault
Here it is.

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Check out some stills over at FalloutNow!
IMissLark said:
01:07: Dude on a cross.

Get ready for the boycotts. :twisted:

Why? Crucifixion was around look before Christ. Anybody who boycotts for that is boycotting just to boycott.
Man, I watched that entire E3 preview, and there was only ONE fucking new IP, Devil's Third. That was it. MAKE NEW THINGS, DEVELOPERS!
yay chin strap new face nightkins!

gameplay looks like fallout 3, which looked like a polished oblivion (which was a polished morrowind), engine is showing its age though.

I wonder if bethesda is gonna use id for its engines now, maybe TES5 will be in idtech 5?

OakTable said:
Man, I watched that entire E3 preview, and there was only ONE fucking new IP, Devil's Third. That was it. MAKE NEW THINGS, DEVELOPERS!

not really gonna happen with the money pit that HD gaming is, we upped the ante on what we expect graphically and its costing devs a fortune to tick off all the expected checkboxes, only way to recoup that is to make a sequel to a known hit franchise, or "shooterize" you game for mass consumption guaranteed to sell a few million to break even.

some interesting stuff is done using xbla/psn, but back in the day you have a buncha mid level unique games, now all we get is either 50 million dollar mainstream set piece "blockbusters", or 5 dollar indie games with a shoestring budget.

I liked it better when the best of the best looked a little worse and the unique stuff looked a little better (or was greenlit more).

Expresate said:
IMissLark said:
01:07: Dude on a cross.

Get ready for the boycotts. :twisted:

Why? Crucifixion was around look before Christ. Anybody who boycotts for that is boycotting just to boycott.
Crazy religious fundamentalists boycott everything. Legitimacy of complaints is hardly relevant. :crazy:
The animations of the guys dancing on stage...when I read Obsidian had created new animations I didn't think it would be possible to do worse than Bethesda, but there you go.

what the fuck did "Science!" do?
I dunno, looks like mostly the same sort of stuff that fallout 3s trailers. Not that i was expecting anything else. Sadly animations dont look any better.

Damn i wish they would change the voice actors from f3.
Why does the GMG have a computer screen on it?

EDIT: Also, I think I saw a mantis later on in the movie. It's the thing that gets turned into goo by the plasma rifle.

That Eyebot made a good run; It's got a Roosevelt Academy sticker stuck to it. Why is it all the way out west from D.C to Vegas? Maybe it's just something they did for the Hell of it.
Not to bad. The animations look a tad better. As for the eyebot, as long as it's just in a playing music around the wasteland type of deal, then that's fine in my book, just no Enclave please.
Well...it is a little bit better than FO3 trailer, but still..to much combat, too little of everything else.
Not a single line of dialog....not a single one. This is an RPG ffs why do they only show the gun play. Don't answer that. I know, cause kids like shit blown up.

It's probably not fair to draw conclusions from this vid but it looks to me like the whole "we got people from the originals working on this" was just a publicity stunt.
I mean, do they really care about a bunch of angry fans of the originals...the media and the "new fallout fans" thought FO 3 was a smash hit. Probably most of the people here bought the damn thing anyway hopping that it would have a tiny bit of Fallout left in it.

Honestly I don't see why they went with obsi and what is different in NV from FO 3. Bethesda could have made the sequel and it would still sell and they would still make the money.
The story may set this apart from FO 3 but the rest of the crap they got in there will ruin it all again and it won't matter is the SMs got face straps on or not.

...end of rant