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  • Why is it fanboys keep saying that anyone who criticizes GTA V "are stuck in the past and can't move on"? The game has multiple flaws...
    Tbh I didn't really notice any flaws with that game.... I just had a good time with it. What are some flaws?
    Big No
    Big No
    The story introduces/disposes characters on a whim, Stretch is somehow a main antagonist, lack of criminal side missions, post story content is lacking, the story tries to flesh out three protags over the course of 69 missions, the FIB arc feels... ugh, and the ending is essentially "oh shit, we gotta kill all four antagonists, lets just toss it all together in ten minutes".
    ^all valid. The game should've been longer with more post story content. However I did enjoy the game immensely... I enjoyed the character and situations. But that alone does not a good game make I suppose. Still I feel it was worth it. Its certainly not a bad game.
    The Nuka World trailer was just released. You may get Diabetes from the amount of "sugarbowl" it gives off.
    Isn't it fun when your hiccups go away for an hour but then just come back out of nowhere?
    I don't remember that many cars that can be exploded in NV, makes sense though since NV is more of an experience than a chaos-fest like F3.
    I have this weird OCD-like thing where I go out of my way to prevent cars from exploding when I play Fallout.
    Characters walking out during conversation has happened to me over ten times. It kills the fluidity for me.
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