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  • MisterCaption closed his account again.
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    Reactions: Supermarauder
    Did he recieve slight criticism? Poor man can't handle that shit.
    Big No
    Big No
    His Monster Hunter World video was criticized by the playerbase for complaining about lack of visual damage (which apparently existed unbeknownst to MC), lack of health bars and that he should "git gud".
    Deleted member 98605
    He came back!?
    I hate how RDR2 is looking to follow in the same footsteps of GTAO. I'll probably buy it on sale, long after multiplayer ruins it.
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    Reactions: KingArthur
    mfw that franchise rebooted after literally a single entry.
    So, EA is looking to go to court against Belgium just so their lootboxes can stay in Fifa. Can't stop shooting themselves in the foot, huh.
    Let them, oh please, let them.
    I heard you had the copy of the Point Lookout Mistercaption video. Could you do me a favor and share it with me? If you could I would appreciate that greatly.
    Primary Objective
    Primary Objective
    Do you have the DLC videos though? I have been looking everywhere.
    Big No
    Big No
    Yes I do. I never uploaded them because another guy did it at the time. What happened to the other guy who uploaded them all?
    Primary Objective
    Primary Objective
    He still has his videos but he never uploaded any of the DLC stuff so I think you may have got it from mistercaptions original video.
    I actually enjoy reading Tagaziel's posts on Reddit. Makes parts of Fallout 4 not nearly as cringey whether it was intended or not.
    @a721402 I'd argue that the nuances of TES comes from the writers that were around for Arena, Daggerfall and Morrowind. After that, the current writers mostly seemed to be riding the coat-tails of those writers (I've seen people argue that Skyrim is extremely deep because Skyrim is 'following' the stuff Kirkbride already wrote in Morrowind to some extent).
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Most of the debth in Skyrim comes from the player pondering if he should use a fireball or weapon to kill his enemies. That's pretty much the extend of the debth I discovered.
    To clarify, I meant depth in terms of story. Though I'd argue that the fireball or weapon pondering is not an example of death since everyone knows that the only depth there is how quickly players go back to being a stealth archer.
    I must've walked about 9 miles today. My legs hurt but at least I got exercise today.
    I usually walk about 10 miles every Sat/Sun, and try to keep my walking time under 3 hours as a light exercise.
    I'm pissed. GTA IV just had 75% of it's soundtrack removed on all platforms (including PS3 & 360) and replaced it all with garbage music.
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    Welcome to the DIGITAL AGE. Please leave all complaints at the robotic public relations assistant.
    You can easily add back the songs that were removed to the custom radio.

    It's more of an annoyance more than anything else.
    Big No
    Big No
    The custom radio's only really a fix for the PC version, console is still out in that regard.
    I like how mfkn is arguing with himself over at the Codex. Haven't seen a troll this dedicated in some time.
    Having a life is a foreign concept to him.
    Dunno that particular situation, but I'm checking in semi-regularily on a spammer of an old Radiohead forum, who has been posting an obscene ammount of faux-religious sermons, every single day, page-fulls a day, for I think 2 years now. I've seen one similar incident on another board
    These kinds of trolls relish in the idea that others might be thinking "oh my god, doesn't he have a life!?" - so they *will* post day AND night, every day of the week, for weeks, months, even years. It's kind of fascinating, how they willingly sacrifice so much of their time, just to stagger people with what little life they have
    Been having a fun time reading mfkndggrfll's posts on all three forums he's posted in. Troll or not, it's a fun read.
    Just yesterday in the RPGCodex thread, he criticized Fallout 2 for being a "decision making simulator". This dipshit doesn't know what a RPG is.
    The IRS has laws in place to obtain money after a nuclear war. It's not like you'll need the money since you'll be making beds with it.
    Question, if a game got constant updates for six years straight, should it continue to be milked until the next game to keep fans "hungry"?
    Big No
    Big No
    Not intentionally, but now that you mention it GTA is a pretty good candidate. I saw a discussion on RPGCodex about supporting games constantly and whether or not milking a game until another one comes out. Personally, it depends on the game I guess.
    Well I think the answer is pretty simple GTA online keep getting up date because they are making money from mirco transactions. Single player games will never get supported that long
    Deleted member 93956
    It always depends. Most indies update till there's not much more to work upon and aim for a sequel or just another project. Or dissapear to never be heard of again.
    I was randomly browsing Twitch and I ended up in a stream run by a MGTOW member. It was... weird.
    Didn't know that was a thing with a name. I ended up wiki walking through a bunch of articles on social phenomena in Japan.
    MGTOW is an... interesting philosophy.
    ARG! I can't find the NV thread with the argument about Scorched Sierra Power Armor being practical or not.
    As soon as I saw those stark red knees, I thought "nope!" Those little design details sometimes decide it for me.
    I don't like the t45 body.
    Deleted member 93956
    Iirc for Hardcore mode is pretty handy
    I was just talking with some guy from Houston on another forum. He was a dickhead. It's good to have this place back.
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    Reactions: R.Graves
    You're a dickhead.
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    Reactions: Big No
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    We're all dickheads. What seperates this dickhead from us?
    Big No
    Big No
    We were playing one of those dumb forum games where you take points off of a item and the next person was supposed to go. He was that person so I told him and he was like"Are you fucking stupid? Do it yourself" even though that's not the way it works. I guess that's just regular dickheadedness though.
    Lolz Deviantart users are so stupid sometimes.
    Big No
    Big No
    Yeah, it's rather sad. Amusing how they tried to imply finding true love was as simple as going to Disney land and that 30 people would do.
    Who implied what exactly? Anybody making grand statements about "true love" - even using such a dumb ass expression - should be imprisoned. Human attraction is fickle. I always disliked the arrogance of people who thought their love somehow reflected their own superiority or something... "Do like me, and you will find love too!"
    Big No
    Big No
    Someone called Xenu2 or something. Ironically not much focus on a certain group despite the name. Terrible user, they hated Overwatch because they found Tracer too "sexually corrupted".
    I just found a website called I'd smash that person's skull in for giving such a crappy phone such praise.
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    not only is it crappy, it's pretty outdated.
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    Big No
    Big No
    Yup, anything it can do, an IPhone or Android can skullfuck it at.
    My phone is a piece of crap. Like even more than usual crappy phones, mine's failure personified.
    Ahh. Is it a problem with your phone or the charger itself? If it's the plug you can remove the cable and use a computer to charge it.
    Big No
    Big No
    Well, the charger is one of the many problems. My phone's like Fallout 4, several problems that would be annoying on their own all dumped in one giant heap of trash. Things like awkward button design which results in frequent typos, it takes 5+ minutes to turn on, resetting pages when I click a link, etc.
    Bummer. If the phone is like that, then a charger may be the least of your worries.
    I don't know if it's in your price range, but a Samsung J3 is about £100 where I live, but has half the ram and storage than the s6. The camera isn't as good but still decent.
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