I don't mind Wild Wasteland being a trait as I interpret characters with it either being insane, brain damaged from Benny's bullets, or suffering from Jet-induced hallucinations.
That said, WW seemed rather tame and could have afforded more wackiness considering an entire trait was based on it.
Mr. New Vegas takes the cake--charming dude and much more objective than that annoyingly self-righteous buffoon Three Dog.
Tabitha and Eden are also entertaining; can't comment on Travis since I haven't played FO4.
I didn't mind the Dunwich building for what it was--a little Easter egg tucked away in a dark corner of the map.
Then Point Lookout dedicated an entire side quest to this shit, along with, from what I hear, Fallout 4 and by now the concept is just ridiculous.
JLIA is my go-to since it compliments my favorite build--high sneak, luck, and criticals.
Stacks with Better Criticals, another favorite, for killer damage.
I attacked ole House, and you by extension, a bit more fiercely than necessary but the gist I'm trying to get at is that everything is up in air with all the factions.
Objectively speaking House just might be able to pull it off, provided his symbiotic relationship with NCR yields the necessary...
Oh yeah.
I like the Legion, but do always feel a twinge of guilt when I stand by and allow Karl to work his magic on Papa Khan. Still, there is some consolation in the fact that many of the Khans felt the chance to get back at NCR was ultimately worth it. That might be like a scorched-earth...
Provide a real life example of a nation forged from an economy based solely on the service sector.
Billions of caps. Trillions of caps. Bagilliions bazillions fafillions of caps.
The amount of money House possesses is immaterial.
The kind of shit that builds nations, that forms their...
I second, er third, the sentiments of a721402 and Prone Squander--I have zero interest in any future installments unless, on some off-chance, Obsidian is involved in their development.
Ain't holding my breath on that one.
Combat is all good well.
My favorite playthru is still my Legion survivalist run helmed by an increasingly bloodthirsty Courier. Then again the machinations and manipulation are what made that one so special--undermining NCR from within as opposed to slaughtering them wholesale, at least until...
Agreed. They've pretty much blown their wad while Trump still has a slew of topics he could touch on in future debates.
The biggest thing to take away from this is that Trump has revealed that he does indeed possess self-control, contrary to popular myth.
Millions of viewers have seen for...
All evidence points to the latter. If it could produce more Securitrons, House and Yes Man would have surely said so. Instead both consistently refer to it as a kind of storage facility.
It had better not be because never before, in the history of human existence, has a rich economic base been...
Since when does the bunker at Fortification Hill produce Securitrons?
In all my playthrus with House its always implied to be a vast storage facility. He even calls it a "barracks", never a plant or manufacturing center.
That reminds me--other than the dam by the end of the game, what...
Briefly met:
-Harry Hamlin (Clash of the Titans) during a high school field trip to DC where we saw Henry V. He did a Q&A session with my class afterwards.
-the late David Huddleston (the Big Lebowski). Turns out his hometown was the next town over from mine and he was dining at a local Chinese...