The time I met Morgan Freeman.

I eat supermutants

I'm your friend, Jesus.
So this happened to me today. I know this is going to seem far fetched as there is no physical evidence of it happening outside of eye witnesses, no autographs or pictures but it did. Let me start at the beginning of my shift at work. It started like any other shift, on sundays I am the kitchen manager. I come in before everyone else. Start the soup, come up with a special, stock, prep and get ready for dinner. This day was a little more stressful since we had a few parties and a tour bus booked for the day so extra needed to be done. My cooks showed up, we got set up early, which is good cause it does give us a little extra time to shoot the shit and joke around. Well opening rolls around, bus arrives, we cook the food send it out and get told this bus was super happy with their meal. It always makes me feel good to hear that.

Well a short while after that the floor manager informs me that we have a V.I.P joining us tonight. Of course I need to maintain composure and remind her that all customers are equal, doesn't matter who. Same quality and service for all. I wouldn't feed shitty food to a coal miner nor Jesus. I take pride in my work. Anyways a server randomly comes back after a time and ask if we can cook a porter house porkchop medium. I said "Of course, as a matter of fact it is standard practice and only cook them at higher temps if requested."

The order rolls in. Fuck, it's not just a pork chop, it's five drunk salmons, two porkchops, and a chutney salmon. I'm on saute tonight. Alright, I roll into professional mode. I dust the five salmon, get them in the oil, start the diane for the chops, get some snap peas hot, finish the salmon, send it out. No problems. Everything looked and tasted great. After about 20 minutes I go to get the sidework done. Take out some trash and whatnot. Then the server tells me "Our guest would like to let you know that the drunk salmon was great." I think to myself of "That's nice.". Then she tells me "You just fed Morgan Freeman." I could barely sputter a sentence. I got excited and happy. One of my favorite actors enjoyed my food. I'm overjoyed really.

Well I go back to my sidework still giddy, only for the server to come back and say "They would like to meet you and thank you personally." I immediately start getting nervous, shaky and self conscious. Like holy shit. I'm dirty, I smell, my hat is dirty. New apron. That'll do the trick. Wash your hands damnit. Fuck. Okay. Let's do this. I walk in the room and he had an entourage of about 7 people. His wife, his agent, a couple of other people I am not familiar with. An older gent at the table announces "Here he is, the chef." of course I'm not the chef but I am acting chef today. I say "Thank you." with a polite nod. I am a wreck at this point. The first words out of Morgan Freeman's mouth, "So why don't have any freshwater fish?", which is a good question. We are known for our beef, but do have an abundance of freshwater sources. They all are super polite and full of questions. I explained that we used to supply rainbow trout at one point but the hatchery that supplied them unfortunately closed. The older fellow who announced me let me know for such a small town has an absolutely impressive wine collection. I let him know "It's my bosses pride and joy." because it actually is. He is wacky for wine. Maintaining my composure is difficult. Not staring. Answering questions and such. The two that had the porkchops had to let me know that they were perfect. I told them I'd let my grill hand know. They were all very nice. I thanked them for being so nice and thanked them for the kind words and Mr. Freeman grabbed his glass of wine "Those are the last kind words you'll hear out of these guys.". Everyone laughed and so did I. It relieved the tension and kindly thanked them all.

I have not been able to pry the smile off my face since. This was one of the best days I've had in a long while. I spent the rest of my work day just happy that I met him, talked to him and he enjoyed his meal. I owe Morgan Freeman some fresh water fish it seems. I may never cross that off a list but if he finds himself in Wyoming again I will certainly try.

Have any of you met anyone famous? I am curious. How did you feel when you did? I personally, the level of the actor them self, have been starstruck as it seems. Shawshank is one of my favorite movies of all time and Red as a character was a huge part of that love.
I've met the swedish princess whatshername. Didnt really care at all. Dont get what the hubbub is about when it comes to famous degenerates.
Briefly met:
-Harry Hamlin (Clash of the Titans) during a high school field trip to DC where we saw Henry V. He did a Q&A session with my class afterwards.
-the late David Huddleston (the Big Lebowski). Turns out his hometown was the next town over from mine and he was dining at a local Chinese restaurant.
-James, Lars, and bassist at the time Jason Newstead of Metallica when they came thru my area. Met them after the show out back. Kirk was MIA, and Jason was the nicest of the bunch--actually stopped to chat and joke around with us.

I had the most interaction with celebs during my time in Charlotte.
-Met wrestler Ric Flair at Zinc (he lived in the apartments overhead). This was during a messy divorce period and right after his late son had been busted for heroin possession. I could tell he had a lot on his mind and didn't want to be bothered so I just said hey, shook his hand, and left it at that. He was nice enough, but my drunken friend kept pestering him so we eventually had to leave... in a hurry.
-Frequently partied with Ben Best (writer Eastbound & Down, Your Highness) at the Philosopher's Stone.
-Ran into Michael Jordan at a Charlotte Bobcats game--my pal managed to score one of those luxury boxes and ours was right next to his. We ran into each other leaving the game. I was pretty much blasted by that point, but I remember him nodding and shaking my hand.
-Met Charlotte news anchor and reporter Maureen O'Boyle at some fund raiser thing. Fucked if I know what it was for--it was just another excuse for me to get drunker than Jesus. I vaguely remember hitting on her after her speech then climbed up on the stage to wrestle the mike away from whatever band was playing at the time. Then someone poured a shitload of beer all over me... or perhaps I poured it on myself. I don't recall.
Morgan Freeman went along w a weird-ass Norwegian comedy show, when they visited LA, and had him hide inside a card-board box, while interviewing random pedestrians. With the confusion of being interviewed by Norwegians, and Morgan Freeman apparently hopping out of a box, they simply didn't seem to believe it was really Morgan, so the atmosphere got very weird, and it seemed like a wasted initiative

Surprise-humor is usually a bad idea

Cool experience you had tho, especially when someone you look up to appreciate you personally, that's a little extra for you!

I haven't really met any celebs. Once I visited Oslo a Norwegian comedian chick, of the older "veteran" guard, let me before her in the movie-candy line, cus she was taking too long to make her mind up. I appreciated that moment.
I also smiled and hello-nodded a local radio/tv personality/comedian, he hello-nodded back :V

Oh, and I met the dude who animated those Wallace and Gromit cartoons, I dunno how I keep forgetting that. Maybe cus it wasn't very personal, it was with school, but we got to fondle around his clay models. A cool thing he had was a precisely sculpted model of a Norwegian comic strip character, as well as a box full of mouths, in the style of Wallace and Gromit, for easy lip syncing (the mouths are exchangable)
Two guys I fondly remember meeting was Stan Lee and Edgar Wright.
I've met some other comic writers and artists but I doubt if most people have much interest in them.

Also met a couple of Voice Actors a few years back, fun times.
Met a sci-fi/fantasy author here on the forums once. Pretty cool guy.

There's Tyson Fury as well, world heavyweight and all that. It was at Deepdale retail park.
I met Jared fogle. He came to my school when I was in 7th grade to talk about how hard work gets results or some shit.
Years ago, the late actor Christopher Reeves, was asked by a fan, how it felt acting with 'that pimp' on the set of the movie 'Street Smart'.
'That Pimp' was a character role well played by Morgan Freeman, and it seems that she didn't know (or couldn't tell) that it was an act.

I watched 'Lean On Me' last night. Excellent film [Starring Morgan Freeman], in the style of "the Substitute" & "The Principle" [Jim Belushi] movies; but sans any real violence, and probably a PG13 rating.
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