Your Fallout 5 wishlist

CT Phipps

Carbon Dated and Proud
Post the things you'd want, good, bad or silly!

* A strong lead developer like Chris Avellone or Sawyer or both.
* A Giddy-Up Buttercup mount.
* A Highwayman car which can be damaged or used to batter people.
* The Enclave Remnant as a joinable faction.
* A return of the original Power Armor without Fusion Cores
* Customizable houses with themes like Pre-War, Vault, Raider, Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel, and Nuka Cola
* Pip-Boy themes.
* 4 DLC Expansions
* Lots of references to Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 with a confirmed canonical path.
* Perk Choices during dialogue.
* A return of the original dialogue system or at least many more questions as well as a clear descriptior of what you're going to say.
* Less in the way of bullet sponges so you can head-shot enemies.
* Retcons which establish Zetans as canon but of Earthborn origin.
* CASA, a Moonbase level, and a Vault Colony in space
* More successful Vaults like Vault City and Shady Sands having given birth to cities.
* More New Reno quests like becoming a Porn (or Movie) Star, Boxer, Gladiator, Prostitute, Lounge Singer, and non-violent professions.
* Joinable Raider factions
* A more adult, Mature Witcher-esque storyline and elements.
I don't want new Fallout game but I would like to see the line "It's good for your eternal soul." finally work in one of the games. However, don't make it too obvious.
a radical change of player perspective, i'm talking about similiar attempt that CDPR doing with their cyberpunk 2077 combat system. Hell, i hope that CDPR do fallout spin off
Get a new engine and stop the pretense and just go balls to the walls saints row crazy. At least then it might be a fun game on its own merits.
The last few times I had some hopes for how the series might go forward, of which I thought would be perfectly logical direction, things ended up going exactly the opposite direction. Better not hope for anything. The series is proverbially as dead as it was at the cancellation of Van Buren.

That's cute. But it's true. The series is where it is and going down the line it is. I could write a longwinded essay on what I would hope for it to go for, but I can't figure out a reason to bother. I already went down that line a couple of times, and... well, twice (or thrice) burned. I don't care for imaginary "perfect games" that'll never happen. That's that.

What ever comes of it, comes. I'd rather haven no game than a shitty game (and least of all several in a row, which is an ongoing process as we speak).
There is a lot of people wishing for Fallout 5 to never see the light of day and I'm inclined to agree. The series is dead to me and as time goes on, I'll probably forget about the series save for the good games in said series.

If it's an Obsidian spin-off game with all the veteran developers (i.e Avellone, Cain etc.) involved, I may be interested in such a thing.

If it's Fallout 5 by Bethesda though:
Being honest, I wish it to be tercerized to Obsidian as NV. At least aaaaaaaalll the game design. Anything else would be another dissapointment.