Recent content by Bungholio

  1. B

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    My first Fallout experience was with 3. I barely missed 1 in the late 90s because I was going from teenage kid in to adulthood and now I had responsibilities and no time for games. Fast forward to 2010ish life is slowing down now I can play games again. Bought an xbox 360 and was browsing for...
  2. B

    Why do people hate Old World Blues?

    I liked OWB it just doesn't have the replay value the rest of the game does. The jokes lose their effectiveness after the 6th or 7th time
  3. B

    Where's Society?

    The east coast and the west coast dont need to be similar in terms of their rebuilding after the war but good lord they should maybe provide some reasons why the east coast is lagging behind. "Evil underground robot manufacturers" isnt very convincing Haiti and Japan are not equally developed...