Recent content by Dixie_Rebel

  1. Dixie_Rebel

    Sitting in a pro-terrorist state

    Very well said. I hope you do not mind if I use that.
  2. Dixie_Rebel

    Act of War: Direct Action

    You are welcome. The graphics were better than board games, in my opinion. Then again, I was never a board game type of kid.
  3. Dixie_Rebel

    Act of War: Direct Action

    Conflict FAQ:
  4. Dixie_Rebel

    Act of War: Direct Action

    It looks interesting. I might try it. I used to play a game titled Conflict for my old NES console, do you know of any other games like it (I do not know if The Operational Art of War is like it or not)? FLIPPIN' SWEET! Wait, are you hitting on me by calling me cutsie names?
  5. Dixie_Rebel

    The Death of a Monitor
  6. Dixie_Rebel

    Act of War: Direct Action

    I have and I REALLY like it. It reminds me of Starcraft. Thanks for the suggestion though. That reminds me, I can use that game when I host my LAN party, thanks Ratty!
  7. Dixie_Rebel

    Act of War: Direct Action

    ^*too After looking through almost all of the screenshots I am a bit disappointed. I did not see any other HUD than the U.S.'s. I hope they add other sides than just the U.S. Edit: Well I guess there are more factions than just the U.S. in multiplayer...
  8. Dixie_Rebel

    Act of War: Direct Action

    I agree with you Baboon. I guess living in the states we get so much of that crap shoved in our faces it becomes the norm. I am pretty sure the game will feature the ability to be more than one side though. Edit: What, are you on a 56K or something?
  9. Dixie_Rebel

    Act of War: Direct Action

    I have mentioned this RTS before but I want to let everyone know that the website for the game is up and running, the URL is: Also, the demo will be released in about ten days. I hope this game gives a much needed boost to the modern RTS genre. I have a feeling...
  10. Dixie_Rebel

    Halflife 2 or Vampire: Bloodline?

    Exactly, which is not Troika's fault but people seem to forget that. I will admit, Source is the best engine out right now, to my knowledge. It just has many bugs. I do not think saying something like "Troika should have picked a better engine" would be very wise. Choosing Source as...
  11. Dixie_Rebel

    Happy NEW YEAR NMA!!!

    Happy New Years!
  12. Dixie_Rebel

    Halflife 2 or Vampire: Bloodline?

    Bloodlines! Do not get me wrong, Half-Life 2 was good but Steam, Valve's policies, and the way Valve treats their customers makes Half-Life 2 not worth buying. Also, I think I had more fun playing Bloodlines than I did Half-Life 2. Bloodlines was a lot longer than Half-Life 2. There are many...
  13. Dixie_Rebel

    Fallout Music

    WOW! The Stand is one of my favorite movies so that makes this an AWESOME find! I had suspected that they at least sounded alike but did not know it was that close as I had never compared them one after the other like that. Thank you very much for sharing that with us and providing the files for...
  14. Dixie_Rebel dead for good

    Yea, thanks. I forget about that a lot as I use the bookmark in my favorites instead of typing the URL into the address bar in my browser. I also fixed the errors in my post.
  15. Dixie_Rebel dead for good

    It looks like some staff from are making TB2. The source of this information will remain anonymous for now. I wonder if will come back.