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  • Note to self: Next time when playing Arizona Killer Quest, use missile launcher on president or vertibird.
    As far as I know there's only ever been one good remake.
    Interesting. A lot of people I've spoken to prefer the original Scarface. I enjoy both for their own thing, although I'm not sure anything can beat, "say hello to my little friend!"
    I just love that Tony Montana is such a huge dirtbag but slides by on pure charisma. He's a cool character.
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    Reactions: Earth
    I approve of an Italian American trying to pass off as Cuban Hispanic. It's kind of adorable.
    I wish there were more Harold-style mutants. Too many characters are either just super mutants or ghouls.
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    Reactions: R.Graves
    I think in the Fallout Bible it says it was a mixture of FEV and Radiation. But I'd agree, Harold is pretty bad ass
    I never got a badass vibe from Harold. Just a super chill nice dude who can't stand idiots. That's why I love him.
    That's what I meant, like he's bad ass because he's a nice guy and stuff. I always make sure to give him a cap when I see him. I would love to take him with me in the wastes, he'd tell me tales of his long long life, all the things he's seen and heard.
    Matthew Perry apparently did a bad job voice acting Benny. So bad that I didn't even realise it was him. Can't say the same for Neeson.
    Well it's not like all old men had the exact same voice. Like say in... Fo3. And holy shit was that generic old man voice cartoons as fuck. I mean I like the voice just fine but did it have to be every old man's voice?
    Imagine if when you woke up doc Mitchell spoke to you in that voice.
    Yeah, New Vegas did the smart thing in that every character that mattered had a unique voice actor. Would've been disappointing if we heard Doc Mitchell's voice with every old man you meet.
    Love being a cheapskate during Steam sales. £4.99? Nah, think I'll wait...
    It's funny to think that Fallout didn't actually do too badly predicting 2077 for the year of nuclear war. I can see it happening.
    France has overtaken the UK as the world’s fifth largest economy after the pound plunged to a 31-year low.
    The £120 billion that was wiped off the FTSE100 in 10 minutes this morning was enough to have paid EU membership fees for 9 years.
    In two hours the UK economy has lost $350 BILLION. That’s equivalent to 40 years of EU contributions.
    Interesting Times it seems.
    Sale on. Is LISA the Joyful worth getting, or should I just get normal LISA?
    Taking part in General Discussion Form more. Because every once in a while needles shoved through the eyeball seem like a good idea.
    And if you are a fan of Star Wars, pretend to pretend to be a fan anyway, because being a Star Wars fan is sooooo 1980. Ha! Nerds.
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