That third image kinda has an Arcanum feel to it. Could it be a sequel with retrofuturistic Jules Verne-style space travel? I mean, Boyarsky worked at Blizzard for years, so maybe he got the rights from Activision somehow?
Why would anybody expect game's creators to be fans of their own stuff? I'm actually glad that they suck at it. Otherwise it would be like the most masturbatory thing imaginable. It's like watching a movie with director's commentary. It can be the most important movie of your life, but all they...
If anyone's interested, here's the interview with Marcin Iwinski, the head honcho of CD Projekt. Around 35 minutes mark he says that Fallout 1 & 2 are his favorite games and he plays them all the time, and he recently started another playthrough of Fallout 1 instead of playing Fallout 4. So...
During another caravan run from Redding to NCR we were ambushed by a bunch of wanamingos and I ended up with huge dose of radiation. After arriving to NCR I went to a BoS safe house to rest and heal. I don't know why, but every time I see a shower in this game, I have to take it. I just undress...
Another video by Noah Gervais, this time about things you have to overlook or adjust yourself to in order to enjoy the game. He even mentions NMA at one point.
Frankly, after 35 hours or so I got so bored with the game that I don't think I will return to it at least until all the DLCs are out...
Despite all the stupid shit we keep hearing about Fallout 4, I can't help but get excited about it. I certainly won't buy it at release (maybe in few years, when it's 20$ with all DLCs), but I know I will have my fun watching walkthroughs by people like Manyatruenerd and such. Hell, even Tim...
Hasn't this been discussed to death already? It's like 5-6 tracks out of whole Fallout soundtrack. Mark already explained this issue many times in different interviews. The Interplay people gave Mark the cd with unmarked music (Aphex Twin, Brian Eno and some obscure Depeche Mode track) and asked...
I played and finished Skyrim on my old Pentium 4 with 1,5 gigs of ram and 256 megs video. It worked ok on medium settings in 720p with no shadows and AA.
In my experience, official requirements are almost always higher then the actual ones. I guess, people who come up with them simply don't test their games on lower-end pc's.
Even the fact that it's terribly slow on my PC (which runs games like FNV and Skyrim perfectly fine, btw) is not what makes it unplayable for me. I absolutely hate rotating camera view. It's so confusing! I would prefer full 2d isometric view with much much better set design (Fallout Tactics is...