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  • Getting the fuck out of Alabama finally...
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    Reactions: lolpop109
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    I'm getting a Conair-vibe in here.
    What's wrong with Alabama? I'm from Northern Alabama originally and everyone I know there would give you the shirt off their backs.
    I was in a Coffee country and you were outside the general populations though process, you didn't exist. We moved out there to help wife's dad with his cancer treatments and it was easily one of the worst experiences I've had in recent memory. As soon as he came back cancer free, we were fucking gone.
    Prey demo is good.
    Looks like a mash of System Shock, Deus Ex, and Dishonored based off of what I saw. I'll definitely pick it up someday.
    It is basically just that. The one complaint I have is the shooting is wonky as fuck because its core functionality is just reskinned Dishonored and that game was not designed for the type of weaponry that's in this game. I'm sure they'll tweak it with updates.
    Currently playing Hide and Seek Simulator 2017: Jonestown Massacre Edition
    Deleted member 93956
    Outlast 2?
    Yep. It's alright for what it is and if you're into that type of game, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, but Alien Isolation still kicks the shit out of it.
    Danny Rand is white which is apparently some cardinal sin to the SJW types.
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    Speaking as a social justice warrior and Iron Fist fan. It's a bunch of whiny ass bitches (like the people who constantly talk smack about diversity) ignoring the fact Iron Fist and the Heroes for Hire were Bronze Age comics about diversity as well as the rich mixed cultural heritage of Harlem as well as New York.
    Agreed. Also making Danny Asian would have been incredibly racist in and of itself and that's the hypocrisy of it all. The show has issues, don't get me wrong, but folks are way too focused on the wrong things.
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