Recent content by JustAShcookius

  1. JustAShcookius

    Fallout 76 is better than Fallout 3

    Title is really inflammatory, sorry. But I can't help but draw a few simple parallels in this post that strike me as profoundly logical. Been awhile since I've posted guys! Good to be back! Fallout 3 has a lot of problems with characters and setting. We know this. I'm talking about how Three...
  2. JustAShcookius

    Intelligent Deathclaws

    What comes to mind instantly are vivid images of German boys getting slaughtered and hacked to pieces, with Reznov crying for blood. The dying gurgles and screaming in World at War, to this day I find... profoundly haunting. Or maybe we can remember that Black Cats mission with the American...
  3. JustAShcookius

    Intelligent Deathclaws

    I find it enormously idiotic that in a video game about shooting, stealing, or talking through any person who gets in your way, the developer and playerbase was (are?) concerned about 'deathclaw optics'. As if killing a talking deathclaw is any worse than murdering human beings left and right...
  4. JustAShcookius

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    Imagine you are a largely undamaged country in the world capable of great things still. All you have heard for years on Galaxy News is how the world has largely torn itself apart in "resource wars". Nuclear power technology is now a thing and guess what those starving, backword, collapsing...
  5. JustAShcookius

    What was so special about Hopeville?

    Ulysses is interesting in that he knows he doesn't have all the answers, and hates both the present and the past. He is a walking paradox, an anachronism. It is important to note that whatever he talks about, can be inferred to be a puzzle piece to his paradox. There are many such conflicting...
  6. JustAShcookius

    Pretty tense these days. Feel like something has been coming for a long time. Too many signs...

    Pretty tense these days. Feel like something has been coming for a long time. Too many signs everywhere. Can I join the club?
  7. JustAShcookius

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Putin seems to be trying to run a relatively "nice" war at the cost of speed as well. The counts of civilian casualties are very very low compared to Israel/Gaza. In fact the counts are almost miraculously low considering what it could be. 9,614 killed and 17,535 injured in two years were some...
  8. JustAShcookius

    Fallout POS story and development

    With all due respect mister, or ma'am if you prefer. I would squarely place Fallout 76 leagues higher than POS. At least it moderately suceeded to have a coherent story with it's own identity. Not claiming it was great or anything. Fallout POS kinda reminds me of the Russian trash ripoffs like...
  9. JustAShcookius

    Strange detail discovered on Fallout 2 box art

    In any case, the images appear to be fully legit renders from Interplay. You can actually see the shadows and reflections on the helmet from the illumination behind it. I wonder if this box art came out too late to be useful and simply got deferred to foreign release. We may never know...
  10. JustAShcookius

    Strange detail discovered on Fallout 2 box art

    While poking around Mobygames' Fallout 2 repository, I came upon a series of images that struck me as very interesting. Polish and French Fallout 2 box art appears to have this inexplicably large city featured on the box and jewel case insert. This city is ENORMOUS, and evidently possesses a...
  11. JustAShcookius

    Apparently the source code has been in Bethesda's possession for years

    Pretty sure it was in this video, it was kinda buried down there however.
  12. JustAShcookius

    Apparently the source code has been in Bethesda's possession for years

    I feel like a screenshot I took from Tim Cain's youtube will be sufficient to show my point:
  13. JustAShcookius

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Unfortunately, this is merely a prelude to a much more serious conflict. WW1 and WW2 all started with, "its just a little country", "just an assasination", "just the Germans walking into their own backyard" ect. We cannot really afford to stop caring about it. We can, however, afford to stop...
  14. JustAShcookius

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    China is far more of a threat than Russia and their economy is at a breaking point.
  15. JustAShcookius

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Well... I am just wondering when the draft starts. China is bound to strike south for oil and rubber. Dutch East Indies anyone?