Wasteland as a a series never appealed to me as much as fallout.
Fallout just always felt it had a more interesting setting compared to Wasteland which never takes itself seriously.
2021 might be the death of new vegas modding. the double blow of the frontier drama and the nexxus bullshit making modders quit in the span of months is shocking.
Well given Bethesda fans look down on new vegas claiming it isnt fallout due to you not looking for a family member and being set in a desert.
Looks like bethesda gave them the wrong idea what the series is.
same. i tend to not listen to the music of my generation at all. when i was growing up i listened to oldies stations so 60's and 70's music. now adays i listen to 80's music
and i have been playing alot more older games and indies then newer games.
they act like games that are more then 5 years old should be forgotten.
people go back and play older games all the time just like with books, movies, tv shows and music.
the irony is by this logic they are gonna dismiss fallout 4 the instant fallout 5 or tes 6 comes out and call it archaic.
i think the main issue is what can be considered the ending where pretty much everyone gets what they want [ expect arcade he is screwed in almost every ending.] is if you side with the ncr.
yeah it was brought up with a map that there is no way the legion could get to portland with out the ncr noticing.
but somehow the ncr did not notice until thier outcasts went there.
..........wait a minute. the ncr exiles are just the bos from fallout 3 god damn it.
yeah it seems like to some people world after nukes fell means cars and electricity just stop existing.
there is clearly power in the fallout world as shown by the vaults, some pre war buildings, and the robots.
some do. then you get people claiming they break lore anyway.
like i remember people complaining in th3overseer's depths of depravity mod that the ncr had functioning trucks. when that's in the base game.