CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

Speaking as a guy who has made a living for a few years as a writer, when borrowing someone else's toys to play with, don't pretend you've made them better.
That'd be TGSPY probably. lol. He was project lead. I had a minor argument about that with him once. I kept arguing in favor in NV and he repeated snapped back "BUT IT'S EMPTY".Honestly, and this is gonna sound petty, but i was turned off almost immediately from this mod when one of the creators actively hates New Vegas. And here's the thing, you don't have to love New Vegas or even like it if you don't care to mod with it, but can the people in charge working on the mod with an engine of a game actually like the game, or at least have some sort of respect for the game itself?
We can talk all about the fact that New Vegas is more advanced than Fallout 3 in terms of tech, but i still expect the people working with the engine to have some level of respect for the game. Coming out that you actively hate the game you are modding with leaves a negative perception of you and therefore the whole project.
And i know there are people that don't like Bethesda games but still mod the fuck out of them, but at least those are changing the game to suit their tastes. Making an entirely new single player campaign is not changing the vanilla experience to suit your tastes.
I'll give you a small taste. A guy working for the Legion does nothing but bash Arcade Gannon. You know, the well loved companion who probably had one of the best companion quests in New Vegas which brought some humanity to the Enclave? Why, we can't have that! Once a fascists always a fascists! There is no forgiveness! Even if the guy was just a child when the Enclave was destroyed. Fuck him! He is still fascist Enclave trash!
Great, another those that perpetuate the meme that New Vegas is somehow empty. Forgetting that can be easily disproven by just walking around for like two minutes and notice how many locations you can see in the distance from where you're standing.I kept arguing in favor in NV and he repeated snapped back "BUT IT'S EMPTY".
Nazo did the snake people. Or at least the quests around them. Rikkurikku did the deathclaws. Rikku was probably just fond of them enough to make one his avatar because he's Rikkurikku.That was actually rikkurikku, the reptile sex connoisseur.
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I think he also did the deathclaw sex cave, as his previous mod allows you to fuck a deathclaw and a human-deathclaw hybrid that eats people that make her insecure.
Nazo: snake sluts
Rikku: Horny deathclaw
Right? It's like they met on a Scaley board first. And I only know about the big ones that were super talkative and or had big roles. They were real open for a while, even livestreaming and stuff. Now some of them like Phobos have backed off a bit since the January raid.Wow, what are the odds of 2 people with such specific tastes ending on the same project and both of them making almost the same thing.
Anyway, do you have any info what other smaller contributors did or only the big cheese? I checked the Frontier wikia, but it seems dead.
It's true. Just go ask Keylancer on the Nexus. He has been monitoring the Frontier team and their antics. From what he told me the Frontier team have been trying to gatekeep and drive away modders who either criticize them or view as "problematic". It is also not just modders but they have also tried to false DMCA YouTubers like the Four Decent Friends who made fun of their mod.If the allegations are true about Frontier devs hounding off other modders, I gotta say I'd be pretty fucking pissed. Because they'd go from being a source of fascination for me to being a real fucking problem. They would no longer have ANY position to be complaining about how they were bullied by 4chan and stuff. And if true, more people need to know.
I wish I could like this a thousand times. This is probably one of the biggest cardinal sins of The Frontier. Instead of making their own thing with their own unique ideas they instead were driven by the belief that they can do better than Avellone, Sawyer, Someguy2000 and others. One should never do this as a writer asSpeaking as a guy who has made a living for a few years as a writer, when borrowing someone else's toys to play with, don't pretend you've made them better.
More like low tech fascism. It's about nation, not race. Outsiders are considered degenerate, liberalization is degenerate, democracy is a failure, they're almost a complete nationalized autarky with the exception of a caravanner here and there. Fascist ideology predates nazi ideology. And yet, Nazo ignores this and tries to make them progressive.The Enclave are meant to be Americano Nazis. So, yes, I have no problem with the people who just want to use them as irredeemable bad guys and just HYDRA in Fallout. Yes, they were a joke in Fallout 2 with the "great empire" consisting of a single oil derrick and after it's blown up, it should have been over but I'm not averse to some "comic book-ification" of Fallout's universe and spreading them out as a larger faction.
But Caesar's Legion is just low-tech Nazism with a focus on misogyny over race (and it doesn't seem like there's many brown people in their army either). I don't get how people can say, "Oh the Legion is better." It practices not just slavery but specifically chattle slavery and mass rape.
It's much more in your front that, "DIE MUTANT."
There are black and Latino legionaries in the game. Ulysses is black, the Cottonwood Cove Centurion is Latino. In Fallout none of the factions care about race as the world seemed to move beyond such pettiness.But Caesar's Legion is just low-tech Nazism with a focus on misogyny over race (and it doesn't seem like there's many brown people in their army either). I don't get how people can say, "Oh the Legion is better." It practices not just slavery but specifically chattle slavery and mass rape.
The Enclave were more or less a satire of the war loving neocons during the 90s. The Gingrich and Ken Starr types. However, in both 2 and New Vegas the writers did a good job in portraying the regular soldiers as just guys doing their jobs and who honestly thought that they were making the world a better place. Sure, the higher ups were corrupt and evil but the soldiers were just average Joe’s and Jane’s doing their jobs and wanting to make postwar America go back to its prewar glory days. Yet the Frontier devs, such as Nazo and Tgspy, only see the black and white. They can not comprehend that not everybody who fights in a fascist army is a fascist. Some soldiers are given no choice but to fight for their fascist government or else they could face death. I take it none of them actually know any history besides what is shown through a modern and progressive lens.Enclave is less overtly fascist or nazi and more like extreme warhawk neocons with a genocidal edge. And you're right. I don't see how they're inherently worse. If anything, only 1 out of 3 times that they have been portrayed in the main games have they been genocidal anyway.
This is actually why F2's interpretation is still my favorite. The Enclave is just this irredeamable if effective villain faction until you reach Navarro. Once there, you find people who are uncomfortable with some of the actions, a scientist/soldier couple with cutesy names, a guard who refers to a nagging officer as "what a brown noser" and a rather kindly chef. Now I admit, I've lost track of what was vanilla and what was Killap's Restoration project, but regardless, there was an effort to paint the enclave as a top to bottom command structure where not everyone even knew what was fully going on or agreed. That was mostly missing in 3 and it wasn't even entertained in The Frontier.There are black and Latino legionaries in the game. Ulysses is black, the Cottonwood Cove Centurion is Latino. In Fallout none of the factions care about race as the world seemed to move beyond such pettiness.
As for the Legion itself, well I liked what the gals at r/menwritingwomen said about the Legion. With the Legion there was a reason for their every action besides, “lol! Let’s keep the women folk down.” Every action, no matter how heinous or sexists it is had a logical reason for it and that is what made the Legion such great villains. I have been watching a lot from the channel Film Courage and the writers, many of them film and story consultants, stated that when it comes to villains you need to make them engaging and captivating. You have to make the audience love to hate them and see the heroes rise up and kick their butt in the end. I feel that the base Legion did that as I love to hate the Legion and enjoy seeing my Courier and her rag tag group of friends kick their butts.
With the Frontier Nazo took away something intrinsic to the Legion and all for scoring progressive brownie points on Twitter. Now they are no different then any other faction in the wastes.
The Enclave were more or less a satire of the war loving neocons during the 90s. The Gingrich and Ken Starr types. However, in both 2 and New Vegas the writers did a good job in portraying the regular soldiers as just guys doing their jobs and who honestly thought that they were making the world a better place. Sure, the higher ups were corrupt and evil but the soldiers were just average Joe’s and Jane’s doing their jobs and wanting to make post war America go back to its glory days. Yet the Frontier devs, such as Nazo and Tgspy, only see the black and white. They can not comprehend that not everybody who fights in a fascist army is a fascists. Some soldiers are given no choice but to fight for their fascists government or else they could face death. I take it none of them actually know any history besides what is shown through a modern and progressive lens.
Oh course not because painting a faction like the Enclave as flawed yet still human would have gotten in the way of their political message which is “oRaNGe MaN bAd! FaScIsM bAd!” I don’t give a shit about Trump or fascism. I am criticizing this mess based on the writing. Reading John Truby Anatomy of Story, he stated that when it comes to politics in media you need to show and not tell. You also need to give the audience an example on why this ideology you are portraying is bad. When it came to the Frontier the writers were like, “ fascism is bad”. When one asked for an example their response was, “bro just trust us”.This is actually why F2's interpretation is still my favorite. The Enclave is just this irredeamable if effective villain faction until you reach Navarro. Once there, you find people who are uncomfortable with some of the actions, a scientist/soldier couple with cutesy names, a guard who refers to a nagging officer as "what a brown noser" and a rather kindly chef. Now I admit, I've lost track of what was vanilla and what was Killap's Restoration project, but regardless, there was an effort to paint the enclave as a top to bottom command structure where not everyone even knew what was fully going on or agreed. That was mostly missing in 3 and it wasn't even entertained in The Frontier.
Again, Fallout 3 and Elder Scrolls fanboys made this. Look at the way the Enclave was presented in Fallout 3. There was no humanity, no place like Navarro, nothing. They were presented as evil mustaches twirling villains who wanted to wipe out all life in the Capital Wasteland. They were just made as another target for the shooting gallery.The fact that we can even have this debate about Legion shows how well done they were, even without their half of the map. Caesar and his Legion still feel like a faction that, at the very least, could feasibly exist, and there’s an entire spectrum of opinion on them.
But people want their black and white hero-villain stories I suppose.