So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

The hilarity of the claim that turn based is outdated is that down the line games like Persona 5 and Dragon Quest 11 were released to great financial and critical success.Pre-Fallout 3 release time was the worst in all of crpg history, imo. The amount of brain fucking garbage written about "why turn based is outdated now" by mainstream media and generic peasants was mind-boggling and just more than borderline retarded. Even thinking back to that time now just makes me want to facepalm non-stop.
It's almost 15 years later and I still want these "gaming journalists" to crash and burn with their dumb blogs and youtube channels.
On the plus side, these people made me realize that game reviews are almost always bullshit and don't help me to decide if a game is worth my time or not. So there is that, I guess.
And of course the journalists sucked those games's dicks so hard that it reached the point of hilairity, proving that "gaming journos" are just retarded trend chasers when they aren't being contrarians for the sake of getting clicks to their "controversial" articles.