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  • Goddam it! Deus Ex GOTY keeps crashing when trying to exit the secret door after killing Gunther. I'm never going to be able to finish this.
    Why do enemies in Dark Souls tend to fall off ledges and aid in their own suicide? Keeps happening.
    Does the AI check to see if it would fall off a ledge while performing an attack animation that involves lunging?
    Nope just rolls off the ledge. Like the painting guardians flipping of the boards to their deaths, funniest shit ever. Wish I would've recorded it.
    Feel really sore after working out last night, oh well it'll pay off.
    Did it pay off?
    Stopped due to the lack of food with lots of healthy vitamins and ladada in them. Waiting until I can stock up on foods with lots of vitamins and protein.
    Can we have more characters for the Twibber Feed? Being stuck with only 140 is arbitrary and limiting, unless there's a good reason.
    I heard it was shit, DirectX 12 has all those graphics bugs like missing terrain along with terrible performance. Plus it's episodic
    It's also always-online and crashes to desktop constantly. If you play it offline you can't even save the game.
    Well air conditioner went belly up, time to get a new one. YeahI would have to assume some people like to think that some of us are women.
    Fucking air conditioner problems, it would've been okay if I had to help someone with a PC but of course ice building up on bottom fins.
    Anyone see that putrid Nu-Ghostbusters trailer? Man the jokes and comedy they were showing were so cringeworthy and there for the "lulz".
    I need to find some good games, where's all the incline at? :/
    Yeah it is.
    Deleted member 93956
    But without friends it's not that fun, right?
    I'm having fun.
    Already managed to get bored of Rise of the Tomb Raider, need more incline! On the upside continuing Underrail was a breath of fresh air.
    I'm about to try Rise of the Tomb Raider since I got it for free from my card but I feel like I'll regret playing it. Is it a popamole too?
    Fixed the issue, runs a lot better on my new video card but I forgot how fast you can get bored. Gonna play something worth my time.
    Well started up Fallout 4 to record me killing fridge kid but crash on start up fucking perfect! Monkeys programmed this garbage.
    Can someone recommend a good popamole? Need to test out my new video card anyways.
    Witcher 3.
    Rise of the Tomb Raider? Generic predictable plot, graphics are pretty good (well-optimised too) and it's a third person shooter. It's definitely a popamole and a PC benchmark.
    Do I really need Windows 10 for good optimization or max settings or close to them? I got that game free with my 980 Ti but I just don't want it running like horse shit.

    I want to play Twitcher 3 but I haven't finished the first one yet.
    Moved to another room in the house, my legs hurt like hell after doing most of the work. Didn't help I had to use the stairs.
    Anybody plan on getting the season pass for Fallout 4? I sure as hell won't, I'm saving my money to buy a new processor to compliment my rig
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Season passes are rarely worth it. Often you'll get a bunch of meaningless content when you could have paid less and gotten the expansions you wanted (if there are any). The only recent game where the season pass was a good deal was Arkham Knight.
    Fuck season passes and fuck Bethesda. Never again.
    I find season passes a disgusting practice especially when you don't know what's in it. I just don't like getting half a game while they sell the rest in pieces. My cynical outlook on DLC passes.
    Finally got my Windforce GTX 980 Ti 6GB earlier today, this thing is a monster! Got Rise of the Tomb Raider free with it too.
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