Mr Fish
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  • Is there a mod for Fallout 4 that adds Far Harbour creatures to the Commonwealth world-space?
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    I'm at lvl 107 so I already got the perks I need and want for Survival mode and at this point I just pick perks I don't even care for just so I can pick a perk.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    So exploring for resources or experience points? Pointless. Combat is unbalanced so meh to that. All that's left is enjoying the storyline and, well..
    Deleted member 93956
    If you want an actual story in a Bethesda game get the Enderal mod. I'll play it again when the "DLC" comes out
    So there's magic in Far Harbour. In order to join the COA you have to go and drink from a radioactive water source and then follow
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    @lolpop109 I like Fallout 4 on its own retarded merits.

    @zegh8578 I got a busty mod, yes, but not giga-melons.
    Check out the vagina mesh on Wonder Body, now THAT'S magic ;)
    The water was probably laced with Bethesdium, a wondrous(ly shit) material that can be applied to a plot to make it just work as well as being able to instantly come up with retorts such as "lol radiation zombies your argument is invalid" when asked how to explain the plot.
    Playing Fart Hagbore right now. I forgot that Bethesda tried to push the whole "oh what if you're a synth!" narrative down our throats..
    why are you doing this to yourself? are you a masochist?
    Did your wallet commit some horrible crime that cannot go unpunished?
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    Yes and yes.
    Just realized I could record my gameplay with Shadowplay, now all I need is a mic and I can turn into a let's player and e-beg.
    I was taught to act my shoe size, never my age I always judge a book by the cover, never the page
    My coworker cant stop giving me looks. I'm uncomfortable but too much of a pussy to tell her to cut it out.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    At least the blonde ones shift was over and so she went home...
    you don't have to tell her to do anything. just punch her.
    So in Automatron; Robobrains were an experimental robot that they barely worked out the kinks with, yet in Fallout 3 they are quite common.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    I do like the old terminal entries where they experimented with prisoners tho'.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Don't forget that this is the same game that claims Vertibirds and X-01 Power Armor were around before the war.
    Bethesda changes Fallout lore whenever it suits them.
    Oh and I've yet to feel the slightest itch for trying to create an arena or a contraption. So meh to those two.
    Settlement building is the only thing worth while in fallout 4
    settlement building is ass and is clunky AF.
    And Vault Work-Shop sucks ass, the quest is tedious and the vault pieces are fucking nonsensical.
    Yeah I mean I literally didn't finish that DLC frist time not finishing a fallout DLC. Because it was either so dumb and lore breaking. It was just terrible
    One neat thing about Automatron is that it does add a new faction to the wasteland to spruce things up a bit.
    How good was the sandwich I just ate? I moaned upon the final bites. My tummy is satisfied and filled with its bready goodness.
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